Responsive mode grant assessment process

Grants Delivery Group (GDG)

The funding recommendations for our research grants, new investigator grants and Secondary Data Analysis (SDA) are made by the GDG. The GDG is chaired by an academic member of the council. These funding recommendations are informed by the Grant Assessment Panels.

Funding recommendations of other responsive mode schemes are made by specially constituted commissioning panels.

Grant Assessment Panels (GAPs)

The role of GAPs is to appraise applications submitted under the responsive mode schemes and classify them by grade according to procedures and criteria approved and overseen by council.

The role of academic panel members is to assess and score the applications allocated to them in light of the reviewers’ comments and project lead’s response to reviewers’ comments, bringing their own expertise to the assessment, rather than simply summarising the expert review.

User panel members comment on applications and participate in panel discussions, but do not formally score applications. User members are not restricted to commenting on impact and knowledge exchange considerations, since their expertise may equip them to comment on the substance of the research.

See the panel funding decision data.

GAP members

Membership of the GAPs is predominantly academic, although each panel has a number of non-academic or ‘user’ members. Appointments to the panels are normally for two years in the first instance, with the probability of renewal for a further two-year term.

Members of the ESRC GAPs.

GAP structure

The GAPs are multidisciplinary bodies comprising 55 to 65 members in total. There are three GAPs organised around clusters of disciplines. The panels meet regularly through the year.

Panel composition from January 2024

Panel A
  • Demography
  • Environmental Planning
  • Human Geography
  • Psychology
  • Statistics and Computing and Methodologies
Panel B
  • Education
  • Linguistics
  • Social Work
  • Science and Technology Studies
  • Socio-Legal Studies
  • Sociology
Panel C
  • Area and Development Studies
  • Economic and Social History
  • Economics
  • Management and Business Studies
  • Political Science and International Relations
  • Social Anthropology
  • Social Policy

GDG and GAP general enquiries


Last updated: 1 February 2024

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