Contact us

For support on funding opportunities, use the contact details within each funding opportunity on the funding finder. Or you can find help on using the funding service.

Contact details

Contact a UKRI council

Make a general enquiry to one of UKRI's nine councils

Media and communications contacts

Make a media enquiry, find branding details or contact our communications team

UK office locations

Location details for the UK based offices

International office contact details

Location and contact details for our international offices

Make a complaint

Make a complaint about our standard of service or activities

Report fraud

Report fraud, bribery and corruption involving UKRI staff or funding

Data and personal information

Freedom of information request

Details of the freedom of information scheme and how you can make a request

Request personal information

How to request information we might hold about you

Finance contact

If you are a supplier to UKRI and have an invoice query email

We aim to respond in five working days.

This is the website for UKRI: our seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help improve our online products and services.