Skills that are used every day in science and technology were shown to school children at a hands-on demonstration in the Science Museum’s Technician Gallery.
The Science Museum has just opened the Technicians: the David Sainsbury Gallery. Lord Sainsbury has been a tireless supporter of technicians, technical education and the Technician Commitment.
Skills Fair

Technicians banner at the Science Museum.
Credit: UKRI
What better way to celebrate than for some of our fantastic technicians to head to London and inspire school children to follow in their footsteps as part of a Skills Fair held on 6 December.
9 technicians from across UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) ventured to the Science Museum armed with ways of conveying what their role really involves on a day-to-day basis to a range of 11 to 16 year olds.
There were 2 UKRI stands highlighting how we use remote handling to manage experiments, make multilayer insulation (ok the stuff that looks like tinfoil around a satellite) and why a shaker table is essential if you want to check for loose nuts and bolts before launching a satellite. 2 of our volunteers also took part in question and answer sessions in the Science Museum’s Lecture Theatre.
Making science and technology more accessible
Our technicians put the school children through their paces to demonstrate the types of skills that are used every day in science and technology, making science, technology, engineering, and mathematics more accessible and relatable.
We had over 200 school children visiting the gallery and exploring a range of different technical careers. We hope that many will have been inspired to become a technician and maybe even apply for the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) apprenticeship or other schemes in the future.
The energy and enthusiasm from the young people was infectious and although a busy day, our technicians really enjoyed taking part and inspiring the next generation.
Max, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory said:
I had a great time at the museum. It was really interesting to see the progression of skill as the day went on, and the different approaches to teamwork.
Future activities
This is the first of a series of UKRI and the Technicians Gallery activities, so there will be plenty of opportunities to be involved in the future. A huge thank you to the technicians that took part and to STFC’s Public Engagement Group for all the hard work behind the scenes to make the event happen.
This activity is a way that UKRI is enacting its commitments in the Technicians Commitment, to raising the visibility of technicians and celebrating the value technicians make to the research and innovation system.
Top image: Teamwork makes the dream work, UKRI technicians packing up after a long day. Credit: UKRI