Funding opportunity

Funding opportunity: Climate change and modern slavery

Apply for funding to generate new evidence on how policies on climate change can recognise, address and impact on modern slavery risks or linkages between modern slavery and climate change.

This is a Modern Slavery PEC funding opportunity, which forms part of an AHRC Strategic Priorities Fund award.

A maximum budget of £100,000 at 100% full economic cost is allocated for this project. The Modern Slavery PEC expects to fund up to 3 projects for this work.

Projects may be led by either a UK higher education institution, an approved research organisation eligible to receive UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funding or a charity registered in the UK.

Project teams must include at least 1 academic or research organisation and 1 UK based third sector organisation. International organisations are eligible to partner on bids up to a maximum of 30% of the total budget.

For full details, see the full funding opportunity on the Modern Slavery PEC website.

Who can apply

Projects may be led by either a UK higher education institution, an approved research organisation eligible to receive UKRI funding or a charity registered in the UK.

Project teams must include at least 1 academic or research organisation and 1 UK based third sector organisation.

What we're looking for

The aim of this funding opportunity is to generate new evidence on how policies on climate change can recognise, address and impact on modern slavery risks or linkages between modern slavery and climate change.

While international aspects, such as laws, policies or supply chains, might be examined, applications to this funding opportunity must generate recommendations for UK based policymakers and decision makers, such as businesses.

How to apply

For full information on how to apply, visit the Modern Slavery PEC website.

How we will assess your application

For full details of the assessment process, read the funding opportunity document on the Modern Slavery PEC website.

Contact details

Get help with developing your proposal

For help and advice on costings and writing your proposal please contact your research office in the first instance, allowing sufficient time for your organisation’s submission process.

Ask about this funding opportunity


Additional info

The Modern Slavery and Human Rights PEC (the Modern Slavery PEC, the centre) was created by the investment of public funding from AHRC. It was created to enhance the understanding of modern slavery and transform the effectiveness of laws and policies designed to prevent it.

As part of this programme, the Modern Slavery PEC funds research, this is one such funding opportunity.

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