Funding opportunity

Funding opportunity: GCRF Highlight Notice for International Development: Follow on Funding for Impact and Engagement Scheme 2020

AHRC is pleased to announce this highlight notice under the Follow-on Funding for Impact and Engagement Scheme (FoF) funded as a part of the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF).

The aim of this highlight notice is to encourage applications exploring innovative ways to enhance engagement with, and impacts from, research funded by AHRC in one or more countries which receive Official Development Assistance (ODA) or which will contribute more broadly to international development.

The highlight notice will provide opportunities to submit collaborative applications for up to £150,000 (fEC) over periods up to 18 months. Proposals will be expected to involve equitable partnerships with ODA eligible Countries or with development organisations and to explore unanticipated or emergent pathways to impact directly related to current or past AHRC-funded or co-funded research (including, but not limited to, projects supported under the GCRF and Newton Fund).

As well as meeting the requirements of the Follow-on Funding for Impact and Engagement Scheme, applications submitted under this highlight notice will need to meet the requirements of Official Development Assistance, including submission of an ODA compliance statement and Gender Equality Statement.

Applications which do not fit under this relaunched highlight notice can continue to be submitted to the Follow-on Funding scheme as usual.

See full guidance notes below for further information.

Call timetable



Application form available in Je-S

25 August 2020

Deadline for submissions

13 October 2020

Panel meeting date

 Late November 2020

Funding decisions to be issued

Late December 2020

Start date of awards

Between 1 January and 1 February 2021

End date of awards

on or before end of July 2022

How to make an application

All proposals for AHRC Follow on Fund: 2020 Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) Highlight Notice must be submitted through the Je-S system by 13 October 2020.

For detailed information see the GCRF Highlight Notice for International Development 2020 – call guidance document.

Further information

Fund limit: up to fEC £150,000 in total

Project duration: maximum 18 months

Project latest start date: 1 February 2020

Eligibility: Standard FoF eligibility criteria in section 3 of AHRC funding guide, additional requirements

Principal Investigators: PIs from LMIC Research Organisations eligible subject to meeting additional requirements seen in section V of call guidance (above)

Collaboration: Proposals will be expected to involve equitable partnerships with Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICS) (i.e. countries on the DAC list of ODA recipients) or with development organisations and to explore unanticipated or emergent pathways to impact directly related to current or past AHRC-funded (including research funded under delegated funding for example, through AHRC GCRF Network Plus awards) or co-funded AHRC GCRF/ Newton Fund research.

All proposals consideration under this highlight notice must meet ODA compliance requirements.


For queries about this call such as eligible activities and costs or remit of the call please contact AHRC via

For queries on using Je-S such as creating and submitting the application form or Je-S account creation, please contact the Je-S Helpdesk or telephone 01793 444164 (Monday to Friday 08:30 – 17:00).

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