This scheme offers five early career researchers the opportunity to be ‘researchers in residence’ where they will work with programme makers at BBC Radio 4 and produce a piece of writing to be recorded for radio.
You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for this opportunity.
Funding to support ambitious research and innovation across UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)’s remit. You must be an early career researcher or innovator who is either:
looking to establish or transition to independence
developing your own original and ambitious plans within a commercial setting
Flexible awards to fund fundamental research that leads to new research agendas, networking activity and idea generation, which enables the development of further research opportunities and new research agendas.
AHRC awards to support researchers without prior experience of leading a significant research project to accelerate their trajectory as independent researchers, to unlock their potential and build leadership and convenor experience.
You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for AHRC funding.
Funding to advance ambitious arts and humanities research agendas, research leadership and research teams, at scale, through a pilot approach to team-convening.
You can only apply for this funding opportunity if we have invited you to do so following a successful outline application.
Apply for funding to form a community-driven research network to enhance access to culture. Funded networks will create partnerships across communities, researchers, and policymakers, to promote urban cultural renewal.
You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for AHRC funding.
UKRI and FNR have signed a memorandum of understanding to enable and support applications between researchers in the UK and Luxembourg. UKRI will fund the UK component and FNR will fund the Luxembourg component of the application.
Conditions will differ depending on the funding opportunity.