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UK-South Korea biomedical and health researcher partnering awards

Apply for up to £50,000 MRC funding, and matched funding from NRF, to support partnering between research organisations across the UK and South Korea.

To apply, UK applicants must be in receipt of competitively awarded UKRI funding.

Centre in Climate Change and Health Full Stage (invite only)

This centre will be a world-leading centre of excellence carrying out interdisciplinary, cutting-edge, and impactful research to address major challenges at the interface of climate and health research.

You must have already submitted an outline proposal and been shortlisted at the outline panel. You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for UKRI funding.

Tackling obesity

Apply for funding to develop effective strategies to tackle overweight and obesity.

‘Tackling obesity’ is open to applications submitted to the Population and Systems Medicine Board.

You should apply through the existing funding opportunity most relevant to your science area and career stage.

Sandpit: novel sensing for UK defence and security

Apply to attend a five-day interactive interdisciplinary sandpit to develop projects on novel sensing for UK defence and security applications.

Participants will attend all five days of the sandpit in-person plus a virtual pre-meeting the preceding week.

Clinical academic research partnerships

Apply for funding to develop your research interests through a collaborative partnership.

You must be a research-qualified healthcare professional at consultant level or equivalent. You must not be undertaking any substantial research activity.

You must have a research partner at an eligible research organisation.

Transition support for MRC intermediate fellows

Apply for transition funding for up to two years. This includes half of your salary.

You can apply if you:

  • hold an MRC career development award or clinician scientist fellowship
  • are in the final 18 months of your fellowship
  • have the support of an eligible research organisation

Realising the health co-benefits of the transition to net zero

Apply for funding to lead a transdisciplinary research hub towards realising the health co-benefits of the UK transition to net zero.

You must:

  • be based at a research organisation eligible for UK Research and Innovation funding
  • meet individual eligibility requirements

The total fund is up to £30 million across five years to fund challenge-led hubs.

Cancer Research Transatlantic Development and Skills Enhancement award

Apply for funding to be hosted at the National Cancer Institute to develop international collaborations and gain skills to underpin the next phase of your cancer research career.

You must be an early or mid-career researcher and your research can focus on any area within MRC’s or NIHR’s remit.

UK-Canada regenerative medicine exchange programme 2023

To apply for this funding opportunity, you must meet the eligibility criteria for MRC funding and must also:

  • hold a current award with an eligible funder or alternatively, you must have held an eligible award that has ended within the last two years, with an award end date not before 31 August 2021
  • have the support of an eligible research organisation

Expression of interest: Motor Neurone Disease Translational Accelerator

Apply for funding to the Motor Neurone Disease Translational Accelerator (MNDAcc). The programme is intended to support diagnostics, treatment and prevention interventions emerging from a growing understanding of disease mechanisms.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for MNDAcc funding.

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