Apply for funding to support the creation of a national research facility for ion beam.
You must be a UK resident based at a UK institution eligible for EPSRC funding.
EPSRC will support the facility with a five-year grant. Funding will not cover the full costs of the facility.
1 March 2022
1 March 2022
12 April 2022 4:00pm UK time
Apply for funding to procure, install, and operate a 1.2 GHz nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) facility in the UK.
The facility must benefit all relevant research communities.
22 February 2022
22 February 2022
17 May 2022 4:00pm UK time
Apply for funding to investigate high priority use cases for future supercomputers.
You can be from any area of the UK research community. You do not need to be a researcher working within EPSRC’s remit.
You must be based at an institution eligible for UKRI funding.
21 February 2022
17 February 2022
12 May 2022 4:00pm UK time
Apply for funding to become the ‘Energy Demand Research Champion’ and lead the next stage of energy demand research in the UK.
You must be a UK resident based at an eligible research organisation.
You can be from any discipline and should have a:
background in research, industry or policy
clear understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of UK energy demand research.
17 February 2022
17 February 2022
6 April 2022 4:00pm UK time
Apply for funding to undertake a 12-week research placement in Canada.
You must be a doctoral student funded by a UKRI research council and working in any field.
Funding can be used for:
fees and stipends
research costs
travel and subsistence costs.
You may request up to £15,000 for each placement.
1 February 2022
1 February 2022
26 April 2022 4:00pm UK time
Apply for funding to develop new and existing partnerships with researchers in Switzerland.
You must:
be currently in receipt of an active UKRI grant to submit an application for the materials, synthetic biology, or life and physical sciences interface themes
have been a UKRI grant holder (within the last five years of the funding opportunity closing date) to submit an application for the languages theme.
Part of a collaboration with the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
14 January 2022
14 January 2022 9:00am UK time
8 March 2022 4:00pm UK time
Apply for funding to develop a network to enable the resilience of future UK urban systems during a crisis event.
You must:
be a UK resident
be based at an eligible research organisation
have the leadership skills to coordinate a network of interdisciplinary research.
Defence Science and Technology (DST)
3 December 2021
7 December 2021 12:00pm UK time
1 February 2022 4:00pm UK time
Apply for funding to support novel research into how digital approaches can be applied to improve manufacturing processes, manufacturing systems or both.
You must be:
a UK resident
based at an eligible research organisation.
25 November 2021
25 November 2021 12:00pm UK time
3 February 2022 4:00pm UK time
Apply for funding to develop or improve drugs or plant protection agents to help:
treat bacterial or fungal infections
reduce the spread of resistance to drugs.
You should:
be based at a research organisation eligible for MRC funding
apply as part of a consortium of transnational partners.
Your project should involve either:
licensed antibiotics or antifungals
interventions in pre-clinical or early clinical development.
Funders from 17 Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR) member countries
18 November 2021
11 January 2022 11:00am UK time
8 March 2022 11:00am UK time
Apply for funding for new research ideas that are speculative, high risk, with potential for a high reward.
Your idea for a project must be within the remit of EPSRC’s:
engineering theme
information and communication technologies (ICT) theme.
You must be:
a UK resident
based at an eligible research organisation.
9 November 2021
9 November 2021
25 January 2022 4:00pm UK time