Funding opportunity

Funding opportunity: Strategic productivity for business functions and leadership teams

Apply for funding to provide tested or testable frameworks, solutions or tools to address productivity at functional level or at the level of executive leadership teams within organisations.

You will help better understand within-firm decision making and strategy to improve business performance and productivity within key professions or firm functions such as:

  • digital and IT
  • finance
  • human resources
  • marketing and operations

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for ESRC funding.

The full economic cost (FEC) of your project can be up to £20,000. TPI will fund 80% FEC.

It is expected that project duration will be between three to six months.

Who can apply

A maximum of £20,000 (at 100% FEC) will be awarded per application.

Applications can be submitted by organisations eligible to receive ESRC funding. These include:

  • researchers at any UK university
  • independent research organisations within the UK

Eligible project partner organisations include:

  • UK-based businesses or UK sites of international businesses
  • UK charities

You should have a PhD or equivalent industry experience. It is expected that project duration will be between three to six months.

What we're looking for

TPI brings together world-leading and UK experts from a range of disciplines and backgrounds. Experts work directly with policymakers and businesses to better understand, measure, and enable improvements in productivity across the whole of the UK, with the aim to improve living standards and wellbeing.

Impact acceleration funding allows research organisations to work with partners from all sectors to apply social sciences knowledge to challenges in society.


The aim of this funding opportunity is to better understand strategic approaches adopted by organisations to improve productivity and develop the evidence base to support the conversation around productivity with business leaders.

We invite research applications that will provide tested or testable frameworks, solutions or tools to address productivity at functional level or at the level of executive leadership teams within organisations.

We are looking for academic researchers to help better understand within-firm decision making and strategy to improve business performance and productivity within key professions or firm functions such as:

  • digital and IT
  • finance
  • human resources (HR)
  • marketing and operations


Although research shows some examples of firms explicitly addressing productivity, it is often not recognised as a key driver of sustained business growth; nor do businesses recognise their productivity performance as critical to the economic health of their local area and the nation.

A typical scenario is that firms track and manage other key performance indicators (KPIs) such as:

  • efficiency
  • profits and margins
  • employee engagement
  • customer satisfaction
  • brand impact

However, the link between KPIs and productivity is not often understood. As a result, the executive leadership team or board of an organisation, or both, fail to explicitly address productivity as part of their strategy.

TPI is undertaking a multiyear research project to help executives better understand how their actions feed into productivity, both at a functional level and at an organisational level.

Read a preliminary report: strategic productivity for the leadership team

Research questions

The key research questions for this funding opportunity are:

  • what key aspects of performance drive productivity within one specific or multiple functions, such as operations, finance, HR, research and development and innovation, digital and IT, marketing, etc.?
  • how is productivity reflected in decision making at the functional level?
  • how do these functional aspects of productivity feed into planning and strategy at the organisational level?

More specifically we want to understand:

  • how do business leaders make decisions around investment and activity on the five key productivity drivers?
  • how do business leaders engage in strategic planning and decision making for productivity?
  • where are the barriers and blockages to make or implement decisions to improve productivity, and how are they being addressed?
  • how is productivity included in strategic planning?
  • how do different functional leaders address productivity in their strategic planning?

Five productivity drivers

The five productivity drivers according to research by TPI are:

  1. Innovation and digital adoption.
  2. Worker skills, engagement and wellbeing.
  3. Management competencies.
  4. Access to finance and cost savings.
  5. Marketing and communication.

We are particularly interested in applications to understand the actions and behaviours of senior leaders in one or more the following functions:

  • digital, IT and technology
  • finance
  • HR, people and organisational development
  • marketing
  • operations

We invite applications that focus on how the functional insights on productivity are brought together and made operational for strategic planning and decision-making by the executive leadership team led by the general manager or chief executive officer.

How to apply

You can find templates for applications on the TPI website.

All applications will need to be submitted to

Application process

  1. You are required to submit a written application for your research activity using the application template provided.
  2. The application should clearly demonstrate that the proposed research explicitly relates to the investment decision making and business planning process within UK firms and should include:
    • an outline of the proposed research including research title or research question, methodology and expected outputs of the research
    • timeline and summary budget of project costs
    • details of how partner organisation will contribute actively to the project through the provision of direct and in-kind resources (including finance, facilities, equipment, consumables and technical expertise)
    • names and affiliations of the research team (institution, school, faculty, discipline as applicable) and names and affiliations of the partner organisation
  3. The deadline for applications is 10 April 2023 and all submissions should be made via email to
  4. TPI commissioning panel will meet in April 2023 to review applications. Successful applicants will be notified no later than midnight 28 April 2023. Unfortunately we are unable to provide individual feedback to unsuccessful applicants.
  5. Applications that are likely to contribute to promoting and improving UK business innovation, growth and development are particularly welcomed. We also welcome applications that include collaboration between research organisations, firms or business support organisations from across all parts of the UK.
  6. Applications from early career researchers will be looked upon favourably.

How we will assess your application

Conditions of the award

The following conditions apply:

  • the proposed activity will lead to a report that will be published as an insight paper by TPI
  • all funding will be subject to ESRC and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) terms and conditions and additional terms as may be required by TPI, which are non-negotiable
  • applications will need to be costed by your research support team. Funds can be used for a range of research costs including researcher time, travel, events and consumables
  • applications will need to show 100% FEC of the proposed research. Approved applications will be funded at a fixed percentage of 80% of this sum. By accepting the funding, the research organisations agree to find the remaining 20% from their own resources
  • funded projects are expected to contribute to future TPI seminars or events, and to inform TPI of any research successes resulting from this award (such as subsequent grants, awards and publications)
  • you are expected to undertake any engagement activities that arise from the project and report on these activities to TPI (as per UKRI terms and conditions)
  • TPI will seek a short mid-project update and a brief end of project report (maximum one page) following the completion of the research
  • funds will be paid quarterly in arrears based on actual costs incurred on the submission of a detailed expenditure report of costs incurred. The final payment will be made on completion of the project and the submission of final report on the project
  • TPI is unable to arrange for any extension of the funds past the agreed end date
  • any intellectual property, know-how and results created in the course of the project (‘results’) shall be owned by TPI at The University of Manchester
  • you will need to adhere to data protection and General Data Protection Regulation guidelines. You must also adhere to UKRI’s guidelines and procedures on research integrity, according to the UKRI’s policy and guidelines on the governance of good research conduct, as well as ESRC’s ethics policies and procedures

Contact details

Get help with developing your application

For help and advice on costings and writing your application please contact your research office in the first instance, allowing sufficient time for your organisation’s submission process.

Ask about this funding opportunity

Michael Livesey, Institute and Fellowship Manager, TPI


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