You should ensure you are aware of and comply with any internal institutional deadlines that may be in place.
Applying using Je-S
You must apply using the Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system.
We recommend you start your application early. You can save completed details in Je-S at any time and return to continue your application later.
When applying select ‘new document’ then:
- council: ESRC
- proposal type: research grant
- scheme: research grants – strategic (ESS0074)
- call/type/mode: European Social Survey, Round 11 and 12 UK National Coordinator for the UK component of the European Social Survey.
Once you have completed your application, make sure you ‘submit document’.
You can find advice on completing your application in the Je-S handbook.
Read ESRC’s Je-S guidance for applicants (PDF, 274KB) and find out more about how to submit your proposal.
Your host organisation will also be able to provide advice and guidance on completing your application.
ESRC must receive your application by 30 May 2022 at 16:00.
You will not be able to apply after this time. Please leave enough time for your proposal to pass through your organisation’s Je-S submission route before this date.
Your application must include the following attachments.
Case for support
The case for support should be up to 12 pages.
The case for support is the body of the application where you will describe why you have applied for this post and your suitability for the National Coordinator (and the suitability of the team if appropriate). This section should address:
- the aims and objectives of the National Coordinator in context (in the introduction)
- how the skills, knowledge and experience of the National Coordinator meets the specification
- communication and dissemination plans
- survey implementation
- how success and positive impact will be achieved and measured.
Please consult the role purpose and duties as described in the full ESS round 11 specification for participating countries (PDF, 2.1MB) and funding specification (PDF, 81KB).
Work plan
The work plan should be one page.
The work plan must be a clear and high-level timeline (or Gantt chart) for the activities to be undertaken relating to funding awarded in this grant.
It should cover any relevant procurement, delivery and evaluation of fieldwork activities undertaken associated with the grant.
Justification for resources
The justification for resources should be up to two pages.
The justification of resources is a two-side A4 statement justifying that the resources requested are appropriate to undertake the research project. It should explain why the resources requested are appropriate for the research proposed, taking into account the nature and complexity of the research proposal.
It should not be simply a list of the resources required, as this is already given in the Je-S form. Where you do not provide an explanation for an item that requires justification, it will be cut from any grant made.
Risk management plan
The risk management plan should be up to one page.
In the risk management plan, you must identify the key high-level risks to delivering the plans described in the case for support and describe your plans for mitigating said risks.
Data management plan
The data management plan should be a maximum of three sides of A4.
It is a requirement of the ESRC research data policy that all applicants planning to generate data as part of their grant must include a data management plan.
The data management plan should be used as an opportunity to describe how the data is going to be managed. For example, primary input into research and first-order results of that research. This starts from planning for research and through the life-cycle of the grant until data is accepted for archiving by the UK data service.
ESRC recognises the importance of research data quality and provenance. Research data generated by ESRC-funded research must be well-managed by the grant holder during the grant period to enable their data to be exploited to the maximum potential for further research.
The CV should be a maximum of two-sides of A4 per person.
A CV for each applicant, named research staff member and consultant must be included. This should include:
- contact details, qualifications (including class and subject), academic and professional posts held since graduation
- a list of the most relevant and recent publications
- a record of research funded by the ESRC and other bodies.
List of publications
Only the bibliography for references cited in the proposal should be attached. Please note publications not cited in the proposal should not be added here. A list of the most relevant and recent publications should be included in the CV.
Final and interim reports
The final and interim reports should be a maximum of three sides of A4.
Principal and co-investigators on current awards must submit a progress report on their current awards with any new proposal which should match their impact and output records on Researchfish.