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Guidance for chair and panellists on assessment panels

A detailed guide to Arts and Humanities Research Council’s (AHRC) peer review assessment panels.

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AHRC assessment panel: guidance for chair and panellists (PDF)

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A comprehensive guide for chair and panellists on AHRC assessment panels.


  • 23 July 2024
    Summary of changes: Section 6.1. updated heading to 'Introducer Scores/Comments'. Further information added to advise that the comments section should not be used as an aide memoir and should only be used if the panellist is asked to do so. Section 8.1. updated with paragraph about reasonable adjustments. Section 15 updated with additional information about panel outcome/attendance publication.
  • 14 June 2024
    Document updated in line with the new UKRI Funding Service process and to include guidance for chair.
  • 8 March 2024
    Document updated: section 5.1 has been updated to reflect changes to introducer comments. These should no longer be input onto the UK Research and Innovation Funding Service as an aide memoir for panellists and should only be entered when explicitly requested as part of the panel instructions.
  • 3 January 2024
    Guidance document updated with changes to naming formats.
  • 7 November 2023
    Guidance document updated.

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