Nuclear physics: events, resources and contacts


Nuclear physics contacts and speakers

UK nuclear physics research groups provide an opportunity for schools to connect with university research scientists and departments. They may also be able to help enrich an activity connected with nuclear physics.

For further information you can also contact the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) nuclear physics outreach officer.


Contacts for UK nuclear physics research groups

Birmingham – Peter Jones

Brighton – Alison Bruce

Daresbury – Wendy Cotterill

Edinburgh – Phil Woods

Glasgow – Bjoern Seitz

Liverpool – Rolf-Dietmar Herzberg

Manchester – John Roberts

Surrey – Heather Campbell

West of Scotland – Robert Chapman

York – Katherine Leech

Nuclear physics speakers and contacts by region

All of these nuclear physicists are happy to give talks to schools or other groups on the topics listed. If you would like to invite them to give a talk you can contact them directly.


David Hamilton – Glasgow

Thorium reactors, nuclear power and hadron physics.

Bryan McKinnon – Glasgow

Hadronic physics, nuclear physics, radioactivity and nuclear power.

Bjoern Seitz – Glasgow

Radioactivity, Fukushima, medical applications including radiotherapy, energy and the environment.

Daria Sokhan – Glasgow

Hadronic physics and nuclear structure.

North West England

Andrew Boston – Liverpool

Nuclear instrumentation, application in medical, security, environmental imaging and decommissioning.

Laura Harkness-Brennan – Liverpool

‘Imaging the invisible, imaging radiation: present and next generation technologies and nuclear physics in medicine.’

Rolf-Dietmar Herzberg – Liverpool

‘Alchemy in the 21st century: the quest for superheavy elements.’

‘Mission to Mars.’ This talk covers the scientific challenges inherent in a manned Mars mission, to separate fact from fiction.

Lloyd Cawthorne – Manchester

Hadronic physics.


Christian Aaen Diget – York

Stellar fusion.

Alison Laird – York

Nuclear astrophysics.

London, South and South East

Chantal Nobs – Culham Centre for Fusion Energy

Nuclear properties (including nuclear radius, binding energy and excited states), shell model, radioactive decay, detecting nuclear radiations, and nuclear fission and fusion.

Patrick Regan – Surrey

Radioactivity, studies of exotic isotopes, radioactive dating, energy and Fukushima.

Arnau Rios Huguet – Surrey

General nuclear physics, neutron stars, Higgs boson and quantum mechanics.

Paul Stevenson – Surrey

General nuclear physics and applications.

Melanie Windridge

Nuclear fusion and aurora.

Last updated: 14 August 2023

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