Training and careers group

The training and careers group (TCG) is responsible for developing the Medical Research Council’s (MRC) strategy for non-clinical and clinical training, careers and skills. The TCG takes a broad, long-term perspective on MRC’s role and strategy in meeting skills shortages, the academic needs of trainees, clear career pathways, and the skills needs of the future.

It assists MRC in coordinating the research training strategy with other organisations including the National Institute for Health Research, industry, professional organisations and the other research councils. The group liaises with MRC research boards and the other overview groups to ensure training and research strategies are aligned.

Membership from 1 April 2024

  • Professor Rosalind Smyth (Chair), University College London, Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health
  • Professor Marina Botto (Clinical Panel Chair), Imperial College London
  • Professor Marion Campbell, University of Aberdeen
  • Professor Umberto D’Alessandro, MRC Unit The Gambia, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
  • Professor Diana Eccles, University of Southampton
  • Professor Ryan Hicks, AstraZeneca
  • Professor Matt Lambon-Ralph (Non-Clinical Panel Chair), MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Rickie Patani, University College London
  • Professor Elizabeth Patton, The University of Edinburgh
  • Professor Rachel Upthegrove, University of Birmingham
  • Professor Louise Wain, University of Leicester
  • Professor Lucy Wedderburn, University College London

See the training and careers group conflicts of interest register.


Dr Joanna Robinson, Associate Director, Research Talent, Skills and Careers


MRC training and careers strategy

Projects, bodies and committee:

  • MRC training and careers group
  • UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Talent Strategy Leadership Team (TSLT)
  • Clinical Academic Training Forum (CATF)

Dr David Pan, Head of Programme


Oversight of MRC fellowship panels

MRC strategic activities

Projects, bodies and committees:

  • MRC training and careers group
  • UKRI Research Careers Network
  • CATF

Dr Tom Beattie, Programme Manager for Doctoral Strategy



  • MRC doctoral training policy and strategy
  • MRC Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs)
  • oversight of all MRC-funded PhD students and opportunities

Projects, bodies and committees:

  • MRC training and careers group
  • UKRI Research and Innovation Careers Network Operations Group

Dr Nassim El Achi, Programme Manager for Clinical Careers



  • strategy for clinical careers
  • transition to independence fellowships (clinician scientist fellowships)
  • transition to leadership fellowships (senior clinical fellowships)
  • Academy of Medical Sciences starter grants for clinical lecturers

Projects, bodies and committees:

  • MRC training and careers group

Dr Nicola Faramarzi, Programme Manager for Clinical Careers



  • clinical research training fellowships
  • MRC lead for UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships (FLF) scheme

Projects, bodies and committees:

  • MRC training and careers group
  • various FLF committees and project areas

Dr Ezat Sajedi, Programme Manager for Non-Clinical Careers



  • strategy for non-clinical careers
  • transition to independence fellowships (Career Development Awards)
  • transition to leadership fellowships (senior non-clinical fellowships)
  • oversight of new investigator research grants

Projects, bodies and committees:

  • MRC training and careers group

Jamie Kerr – Funding Manager for Non-Clinical Fellowships



  • non-clinical fellowships (Career Development Awards, senior non-clinical fellows)
  • clinical academic research partnerships

Annie McKeown, Funding Manager for Studentships and Transition Support



  • MRC DTPs
  • UKRI FLF scheme (MRC-related applications)

Projects, bodies and committees:

  • secretariat for MRC training and careers group
  • MRC studentship reporting and data capture

Zoe Walker, Funding Manager for Clinical Fellowships



  • clinical fellowships (clinical research training fellowships, clinician scientist fellows, senior clinical fellows)
  • contact for joint funding matters

Last updated: 16 July 2024

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