Environmental sustainability



We are living through a period of unprecedented environmental change. At UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) we are proud of the contribution our research and innovation continues to make in understanding global environmental sustainability challenges and developing the solutions to address them.

Given the scope of UKRI’s operations and the role that our science plays in the global response to climate and environmental change, it is vital that as an organisation UKRI also uses this knowledge to enhance its own environmental performance.

We directly contribute to the UK delivery against all 17 of the UN sustainable development goals (SDG), through our funded research and activities to minimise the environmental impact of our operations.

UKRI is a signatory to the Concordat for the environmental sustainability of research and innovation practice. This is a collaborative document owned collectively by the research sector, and currently hosted by Wellcome Trust. We are currently putting plans in place on our approach to implementing the concordat.

Ask us about sustainability

For further information regarding environmental sustainability, contact us at:

Email: ukrisustainability@ukri.org

Last updated: 4 September 2024

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