Projects Peer Review Panel

For all new major projects and project technology development projects which have been approved for Projects Peer Review Panel (PPRP) review, the panel will provide advice to the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Executive and Science Board on the following:

  • the quality of the science and technology involved in the proposal and the stated scientific and technical objectives and consider whether the proposal is likely to achieve those objectives
  • the science return for investment and how well the project fits with the council strategy
  • the likely global and UK scientific impact of the project and at what level it is supported by its relevant scientific community
  • the timeliness of the project and competition to the project
  • the scientific, technical, schedule and financial risks and make recommendations for the management of risk
  • any milestones against which the project should be monitored and raise any possible future issues for the relevant science committee and Oversight Committee
  • the standing of the groups and collaborators who are involved in the project
  • including the proponent’s track record, the level of UK involvement in the project and the management structure and procedures required to ensure that the stated project goals are achieved
  • how well the project is connected to industry and the science and society plan for disseminating the project to the public
  • the staff and capital costs required for research and development and construction to complete the project to the proposed specification and if appropriate provide different project cost scenarios and their implications to the project

In addition, PPRP will advise STFC Executive and the committees, where requested, on the merit of:

  • new technology research projects in particle physics, particle astrophysics, nuclear physics and astronomy
  • upgrades to approved particle physics, particle astrophysics projects, nuclear physics and astronomy

Core members

  • Professor Tzany Kokalova Wheldon, University of Birmingham (Chair)
  • Professor Michael Garrett, The University of Manchester (Deputy Chair)
  • Dr Melissa Uchida, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Nina Hatch, University of Nottingham
  • Professor Sarah Matthews, University College London
  • Professor Simon Hettrick, University of Southampton
  • Professor Simon Morris, Durham University


  • Dr Alis J Deason, Durham University
  • Dr Andrew Blackett-May, STFC Daresbury
  • Dr Andrzej Szelc, The University of Edinburgh
  • Dr Christopher Copperwheat, Liverpool John Moores University
  • Dr David Clements, Imperial College London
  • Dr Gavin Ramsay, Armagh Observatory and Planetarium
  • Dr Ian Hutchinson, University of Leicester
  • Dr Konstantinos Petridis, University of Bristol
  • Dr Marina Petri, University of York
  • Dr Mark Scott, Imperial College London
  • Dr Matthew Malek, The University of Sheffield
  • Dr Nicholas Walton, University of Cambridge
  • Dr Paul Scovell, STFC Boulby Underground Laboratory
  • Dr Peter Williams, STFC Daresbury Laboratory
  • Dr Robert Jones , CERN
  • Dr Sam Harper, STFC CERN
  • Dr Simon George, Royal Holloway University of London
  • Dr Trevor Vickey, University of Sheffield
  • Mr Ian Wilmut, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL)
  • Mr Philip Jackson, STFC Scientific Computing Department
  • Mr Ryan Garrattley, STFC RAL
  • Professor Derek Ward-Thompson, University of Central Lancashire
  • Professor Giles Hammond, University of Glasgow
  • Professor Hartmut Grote, Cardiff University
  • Professor Marielle Chartier, University of Liverpool
  • Professor Neil McCauley, University of Liverpool
  • Professor Peter Hargrave, Cardiff University
  • Professor Stephen Gibson, Royal Holloway University of London
  • Professor Steven Jamison, Lancaster University


For further information on PPRP please contact:

Malcolm Booy


Last updated: 26 February 2024

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