If your organisation is on one of our lists you can apply for funding opportunities.
Eligible independent research organisations
Eligible independent research organisations include:
- all NHS Trusts, hospitals, boards, primary care trusts and GP practices
- Anthony Nolan
- Armagh Observatory
- BirdLife International
- British Film Institute
- British Institute of International and Comparative Law
- British Library
- British Museum
- British Trust for Ornithology
- Butterfly Conservation
- CABI (Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International)
- Cambridge Arctic Shelf Programme
- Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre
- Centre for Sustainable Energy
- Chatham House (Royal Institute of International Affairs)
- Earthwatch Institute
- European Bioinformatics Institute
- European Marine Energy Centre Ltd
- European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
- Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England
- Historic Environment Scotland
- Historic Royal Palaces
- HR Wallingford Group
- Imperial War Museum
- Institute for Fiscal Studies
- Institute of Development Studies
- Institute of Occupational Medicine
- International Institute for Environment and Development
- London Institute for Mathematical Sciences
- Malaria Consortium (UK)
- Marine Biological Association
- Moredun Research Institute
- Museum of London Archaeology
- National Archives
- National Centre for Social Research
- National Foundation for Educational Research
- National Gallery
- National Institute of Agricultural Botany
- National Institute of Economic and Social Research
- National Maritime Museum
- National Museum Wales
- National Museums Liverpool
- National Museums of Scotland
- National Oceanography Centre
- National Portrait Gallery
- Natural History Museum
- Nesta
- Overseas Development Institute
- RAND Europe Community Interest Company
- Royal Armouries
- Royal Botanic Gardens – Edinburgh
- Royal Botanic Gardens – Kew
- Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
- Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies
- Satellite Applications Catapult
- Science Museum Group
- Sightsavers
- Tate
- Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
- The Aga Khan University (International) in the UK
- The Design Museum
- The James Hutton Institute
- The Manufacturing Technology Centre Ltd
- The National Trust
- The Office of the Health Economics
- The Resolution Foundation
- The Royal Shakespeare Company
- The Welding Institute
- Transport Research Laboratory
- UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
- Unlimit Health
- Victoria and Albert Museum
- Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
- World Conservation Monitoring Centre
- Zoological Society of London, Institute of Zoology
Eligible Catapult centres
Eligible Catapult centres for UKRI funding are:
- Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult (Cell Therapy Catapult Limited)
- Compound Semiconductor Applications Catapult
- Energy Systems Catapult
- Manufacturing Technology Centre
- Medicines Discovery Catapult
- Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult
- Satellite Applications Catapult