STFC blog and features
All blog posts ordered by publication date

15 December 2023
Suspense builds at LIGO
The STFC Technology Department recently visited the LIGO Hanford Observatory as part of an ongoing commitment to deliver world-leading expertise.

22 November 2023
Cutting-edge irradiation facility unveiled
A new X-ray irradiation facility has been created that can assess the damage caused by ionising radiation in detector systems.

13 November 2023
Daresbury Laboratory celebrates crab cavity achievement
STFC Daresbury Laboratory and the Cockcroft Institute are celebrating a key milestone: delivering the first cryomodule to CERN as part of the HL-LHC upgrade.

18 October 2023
Facility puts pressure on for cavity testing!
High pressure rinse facility at STFC’s Daresbury Laboratory is ensuring that cavities destined for international accelerator projects are under the right pressure.

17 July 2023
STFC spin-out supports mission to Jupiter’s moons
Teratech, a UK spin-out from STFC, is on its way to Jupiter as part of a mission to learn more about its origins and moons.