Applications to this opportunity will be evaluated according to a set of criteria in a two-stage procedure.
Proposal evaluation will be carried out by the independent HERA joint research programme (JRP) Crisis International Review Panel (IRP). The members of the IRP are leading humanities scholars, appointed by the HERA JRP Crisis funding opportunity board.
Outline proposal phase
In the outline proposal phase, the IRP will assess proposals according to the following weighted criteria:
- relevance to the theme “crisis” and evidence of humanities-led approach (30%)
- potential for research excellence (40%)
- potential impact of the proposed research (15%)
- quality of the implementation and management (15%)
Based on the input of the IRP, the HERA JRP Crisis funding opportunity board will choose the consortia which will be invited to submit a full proposal.
Full proposal phase
Following the evaluation of the outline proposals, selected applicants will be invited in January 2024 to submit a full proposal by 26 March 2024.
Full proposals will be assessed by at least three independent external expert experts selected from a pool of humanities scholars suggested by the participating funding organisations. Anonymised peer reviews (referred to as referee reports in the full funding opportunity guidance) will be made available to the applicants for their information and the optional opportunity to submit a coordinated response from all principal investigators.
The HERA JRP Crisis IRP will rank all full proposals based on the peer reviews and principal investigators responses. The IRP will create a ranking list consisting of the highest scoring full proposals and will subsequently make recommendations to the HERA JRP Crisis funding opportunity board for the funding of these proposals.
Full proposals will be evaluated according to the following selection criteria:
- research excellence (threshold 3/5)
- impact (threshold 3/5)
- quality and efficiency of the implementation (threshold 3/5)
Detailed requirements and instructions on how to complete the full proposal application forms will be shared with applicants at the point of invitation to submit.
Funding decisions
The HERA JRP Crisis funding opportunity board will ensure that the highest ranked proposals are funded, depending on the national budgets. The board will make a funding decision based on the ranked list of projects recommended for funding by the IIRP.
The HERA JRP Crisis funding opportunity partners strive to maximise the overall funding and fund as many excellent collaborative projects as possible.
For full information on how your application will be assessed and how the HERA JRP Crisis funding opportunity board will make funding decisions, please see the CHANSE website.