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Research nuclear energy with a US partner: 2022

Apply for funding to research nuclear energy with a US partner. This funding allows you to take part in the Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP) from the U.S. Department of Energy.

You must be a UK-based researcher who:

  • is employed by an eligible research organisation
  • does not hold a postdoctoral level fellowship.

Research the production and integration of zero carbon hydrogen

Apply for funding to research zero emission hydrogen production and integration.

You must be a UK-based researcher who:

  • is employed by an eligible research organisation
  • does not hold a postdoctoral level fellowship.

Become a hydrogen research coordinator

Apply for funding to become a hydrogen research coordinator.

Coordinators will:

  • network within their research community
  • build a multidisciplinary consortium
  • develop a research programme for a potential future research centre.

You must be a UK-based researcher employed by an eligible research organisation.

Holders of postdoctoral fellowships are not eligible to apply.

Public engagement for information and communication technologies

Apply for funding to help you:

  • develop, deliver and evaluate public engagement activities
  • encourage public engagement within your organisation and the wider community.

You must be eligible for EPSRC funding and:

  • an active researcher within the remit of EPSRC’s information and communication technologies (ICT) theme
  • have a record of engaging the public with research.

Collaborating at the quantum computing and ICT interface

Apply for funding at the quantum computing and ICT interface.

You must address one of these two challenges:

  • delivering quantum computing that is correct, trustworthy and resilient
  • quantum computing interfaces.

You must be:

  • eligible for EPSRC funding
  • based in the UK.

Transforming care and health at home and enabling independence

Apply for funding for a multidisciplinary project enabling people to:

  • transform their care and health
  • be more independent.

You must be a researcher living in the UK and eligible for EPSRC funding.

Building responsible neurotechnology research capability

Apply for funding to develop a research network for neurotechnology.

You must be:

  • based in the UK
  • eligible for EPSRC funding.

Your network is expected to:

  • help form new interdisciplinary research communities
  • promote responsible research and address ethical issues in neurotechnology
  • set a research agenda and fund small feasibility studies.

Healthcare technologies for infectious disease resilience

Apply for funding to address infectious diseases, for example COVID-19, through healthcare technologies.

You must be:

  • a researcher based in the UK
  • at an organisation eligible for EPSRC funding.

Your project should be in one or both of these areas:

  • building resilience in healthcare systems
  • preventing, controlling, diagnosing and treating infectious diseases.

Quantum technology career development fellowships

Apply for funding to develop your quantum technology career and work towards becoming an independent researcher.

You must be hosted and supported by an eligible UK research organisation.

You must have one of the following:

  • a PhD
  • at least four years’ experience in a relevant field.

Develop and integrate energy storage technologies at grid scale

Apply to do fundamental research into developing and integrating technologies to enable energy storage at grid level.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for EPSRC funding.

Your project must be at least 50% within the remit of EPSRC.

The full economic cost of your project can be up to £1.5 million. EPSRC will fund 80% of the full economic cost.

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