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AHRC research networking scheme

The research networking scheme supports the exchange of ideas between researchers and stakeholders by funding the costs of workshops, seminars or other networking activities, covering up to £30,000 for a period of up to two years, with an additional £15,000 for international costs.

ESRC new investigator grant

The new investigator grant supports early career researchers and academics to become independent researchers through gaining experience and skills in managing and leading research projects and teams.

The social sciences must represent more than 50% of the research focus and effort.

Manufacturing the future

You can apply for support for high-quality engineering and physical sciences research that looks at key challenges facing manufacturing in the UK.

We fund research into chemistry, engineering, information and communication technologies, materials, mathematical sciences and physics.

EPSRC Overseas travel grant

You can apply for an overseas travel grant at any time to support work in any area funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. We fund research into chemistry, engineering, information and communication technologies, materials, mathematical sciences and physics.

Climate and environmental risk analytics for resilient finance

This joint investment by NERC and Innovate UK aims to fund research that supports establishing a climate and environmental risk analytics capability and capacity in the UK.

Up to £4 million available for eligible research organisations for projects lasting up to three years.

Global effort on COVID-19 health research

Apply for funding to improve our understanding of the pandemic in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) and find ways to reduce its health impacts. This funding opportunity is open to researchers based in LMICs, or UK researchers working in partnership with LMIC investigators.

Particle physics experiment grants

Particle physics research grants support research in the areas of experimental and theoretical particle physics and certain aspects of particle astrophysics. Applications for work in these areas are assessed by the Particle physics grants panel.

Expressions of interest: Arts and humanities urgency grants

Apply for funding for urgent arts and humanities research. Funding of up to £150,000 is available for projects of up to 18 months. Research must support a development need or challenge in low or middle income countries.

You will find out whether your project is eligible within five working days.

BBSRC standard research grant: welfare of managed animals

You can apply for funding to support research into the welfare of managed animals. This area is an annual focus within BBSRC standard research grants.

You can apply if you meet the eligibility requirements for BBSRC standard research grants.

Undertake activities related to scientific ocean drilling

Apply for funding to undertake small-scale activities related to scientific ocean drilling.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for UKRI funding.

Activities could include:

  • workshops or events
  • training
  • outreach.

You can apply for this scheme at any time during the current phase of the research programme (2020 to 2024).

This is the website for UKRI: our seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help improve our online products and services.