Interact symposium

19 September at Northumbria University, Newcastle

The Interact symposium is for all physical scientists and others who engage with the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), including users of STFC facilities, who do outreach, public engagement and science communication.

Interact is a chance for this community to:

  • share experiences
  • gain new skills
  • learn new ways to engage with audiences
  • gain practical experience
  • see what else is out there that can help develop and deliver high-quality engagement

Find more details of the 2024 Interact symposium.

In 2022, the symposium was held at Cardiff University. The event was run in partnership with:

  • the Institute of Physics
  • the South-East Physics Network (SEPnet)
  • the Royal Astronomical Society
  • the Ogden Trust
  • Cardiff University


We evaluate Interact regularly and make comparisons with results from previous years. This provides useful evidence for planning how we can support public engagement in the future.

Find previous evaluation reports on the UK government web archive.

Find out more about Interact


Last updated: 11 July 2024

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