STFC directorates

Our staff are organised in seven directorates, plus the Executive Chair’s Office.

Programmes Directorate

Professor Grahame Blair is the Executive Director of Programmes.

The Programmes Directorate (PD) is responsible for STFC’s science and technology strategy, science operations and planning (including STFC’s processes for peer review), as well as STFC’s programmes in education, training and public outreach. The PD has one other director:

National Laboratories

Our National Laboratories Directorate is led by Professor Dave Newbold. (Science and Technologies) and Professor Roger Eccleston (Large Scale Facilities).

The National Laboratories provide research facilities and capabilities that, because of their scale, complexity, strategic character or cost, are appropriately operated as a national research resource.

These facilities and capabilities include access for external users to neutron scattering and light source facilities, laser facilities, accelerator research facilities and high performance computing. They also include national technical capabilities in:

  • nuclear physics
  • particle physics
  • astronomy
  • accelerator science
  • instrumentation
  • space technology

The primary mission of the laboratories is to facilitate national research capability, and they should therefore complement and collaborate with the university research base.

National Laboratories consists of:

Chief Operating Officer

The Chief Operating Officer is to be confirmed.

The Chief Operating Officer is responsible for governance, estates management operations and support services, health, safety and environment, environmental sustainability, security, risk and continuous improvement as well as oversight of financial, legal and commercial, and human resource activities at STFC.

Finance Directorate

The Finance Directorate is headed up by Chris Wrench.

The Finance Directorate is responsible for STFC’s overall budgeting and associated financial planning, and for the financial and management accounting processes within the council.

Business and innovation

The Business and Innovation Directorate (BID) is led by Paul Vernon.

BID is responsible for delivering and developing the effective transfer of knowledge between STFC, universities, industries and other organisations.

It is also responsible for developing strategies and coordinating implementation plans for increasing the economic impact of STFC’s investments in universities, its own facilities and the international laboratories.

Strategy, Planning and Communications

Strategy, Planning and Communications (SPC) is led by Dr Liz Fellman.

SPC brings together the core functions that are needed to help the organisation shape, communicate and monitor our national and international strategic agenda.

SPC is comprised of specialists from across the strategy, planning and communications arena. Expert and professional, with a deep understanding of STFC and its stakeholders, we are impartial in our work and act as a bridge across the organisation.

Human Resources

The Human Resources (HR) Directorate is headed up by Peter Thompson.

It is responsible for delivering and developing people management practices that will support STFC to achieve its vision and strategic goals.

STFC’s HR structure allows HR to operate at a strategic level while also providing a solid base of day-to-day operational support.

The team interfaces with the UK Shared Business Services Ltd (UK SBS) who are responsible for HR transactional activity.

Last updated: 30 January 2025

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