ADR UK is offering funding for existing ESRC Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) to host PhD studentships focused on quantitative research using linked administrative data.
Administrative data covers a wide range of topics and therefore applications will be considered from both within and beyond the social sciences. You are encouraged to consider the ADR UK mission and flagship datasets in your proposal.
Refer to the ‘ADR UK linked datasets brochure’ in the ‘Additional info’ section for information about the data, its research potential, and supporting materials such as synthetic data, training opportunities and user networks. The linked administrative datasets featured in this brochure form an exciting first collection of rich, curated data fit for use by researchers across all career levels.
Studentships that are not based on administrative data are not eligible for this funding.
Applicant webinar
ADR UK will host a webinar for applicants on 20 September 2022, which will include more information on the application process, as well as an opportunity for questions to be asked. Register for the webinar (Eventbrite).
Information for supervisors
While you are welcome to host studentships using any research-ready administrative dataset, those that plan to use one of ADR UK’s flagship linked datasets will be prioritised.
You should consider your own strengths and weaknesses regarding data analysis and interpretation. Datasets can include a variety of data ‘states’. For example, some datasets are well-curated and have already been used for early research, meaning that some code could be available to build on. Other datasets are more ‘raw’ and research using these will include improving the data and learning its idiosyncrasies. You should:
- carefully consider these factors before deciding what kind of research you are prepared to support
- provide details about how you can support students depending on which datasets you expect to access through this opportunity.
Funded students will be the responsibility of the ESRC DTP and subject to the same terms and conditions as students funded directly by ESRC.
Total funds available for this opportunity will be approximately £1.9 million.
ADR UK expects to be able to fully fund 20 studentships, but the DTP could co-fund the studentships through their existing allocation or other sources. Although co-funding is not necessary, it may be viewed as an indication of the commitment of the DTP or other institutions involved. To discuss options for co-funding, email
Funding will be provided on the basis of the annual notional cost of a studentship and the proposed duration of the studentships. Eligible costs also include:
- enhanced stipend of £1000 per student per year
- a three-month placement.
Timing and duration
The cohort of students selected through this opportunity is expected to start in October 2023.
Studentships can be held on a range of different structures, for example:
- one plus three (Masters followed by a PhD)
- plus three (PhD only)
- four-year (integrated training programme) basis.
The actual length of studentships will depend on the:
- structures available on the pathway
- students’ prior training.