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Developmental pathway funding scheme: invited stage two

Apply for funding to develop and test novel therapeutics, medical devices, diagnostics and other interventions.

You must be employed at a research organisation eligible for MRC funding.

You must be invited to apply for stage two of this funding opportunity.

ERA-NET NEURON Interdisciplinary approaches to the neuroscience of pain

Apply for funding as part of a transnational consortium of three to five partners to improve knowledge of the neuroscience of pain using interdisciplinary approaches. This is an ERA-NET NEURON Joint Transnational Call. The Medical Research Council (MRC) are one of 19 organisations offering funding through the initiative.

Experimental medicine to define new mechanisms of neurodegeneration

Apply for funding to investigate the causes, progression and treatment of neurodegenerative conditions that give rise to dementia.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for MRC funding.

You must be invited to apply for this funding opportunity.

Experimental medicine: invited stage two application

Apply for funding to investigate the causes, progression and treatment of human disease. Your application must include an intervention in humans.

You must be based at an eligible research organisation.

You must be invited to apply for stage two of this funding opportunity.

International Fellowships for PhD and Early Career Researchers 2025

Apply to undertake a funded fellowship at an international cultural institution.

You must be either:

  • a PhD student currently funded by AHRC (or ESRC for Library of Congress only)
  • an early career researcher based at a UK research organisation eligible for AHRC funding

APC26: industrialising net zero automotive technology

UK registered businesses can apply for a share of up to £40 million for late stage research and development projects.

These projects will help accelerate the UK transition to zero emission vehicles and towards a net zero automotive future.


Apply for funding to get out of the lab and test your technology in the market to uncover its commercial potential.

BBSRC ICURe Explore is open to research teams in all UK universities, BBSRC-funded institutes and approved public sector research enterprises.

Developmental pathway funding scheme: stage one

Apply for funding to develop and test novel therapeutics, medical devices, diagnostics and other interventions.

You must be employed at a research organisation eligible for MRC funding.

Novel human in vitro models of complex disease

Apply for funding to lead a cluster in a coordinated network for novel human in vitro models of complex disease.

You must:

  • be based at an organisation eligible for MRC or Wellcome funding
  • meet individual eligibility requirements

We anticipate funding up to five clusters for four years with a total fund of £15 million.

AHRC BRAID DOT: responsible AI collaborations with US researchers

Apply for funding to work with US-based researchers to undertake humanities research on the ethical, legal, and societal implications of AI.

Applications from early career researchers (ECRs) are particularly welcome.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for AHRC funding.

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