Industrial CASE – EPSRC



To be an Industrial CASE sponsor, businesses and related organisations must have an established UK-based research capability or commercial production capability, or both.

Government departments, academic institutions and charitable bodies are ineligible, but some government-funded bodies are eligible where they make significant investments in EPSRC’s portfolio.

Please note, it is not possible to apply for ICASE because the awards are algorithmically allocated, but the majority of EPSRC studentship funding allows collaboration. Organisations are encouraged to approach universities to explore collaboration options through Centres for Doctoral Training (CDT) and Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) investments.

Student eligibility requirements for EPSRC Industrial CASE funding are the same as for our other studentship awards. They are:

  • a relevant connection with the UK, usually established by residence
  • a first or upper second-class honours degree, or a combination of qualifications or experience equivalent to that level

Last updated: 29 September 2023

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