Funding opportunity

Funding opportunity: UKRI cross research council responsive mode pilot scheme: round two outline stage

Start application

Apply for funding for breakthrough or disruptive interdisciplinary ideas that transcend, combine or significantly span disciplines that are not routinely funded through existing UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) responsive mode schemes.

Awards will be potentially transformative for the participating disciplines or lead to the creation of new disciplines.

Project leads must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for UKRI research council funding.

The full economic cost (FEC) of your project can be up to £1.2 million, for up to two years. UKRI will fund 80% of the FEC.

Due to high demand in round 1, we have introduced institutional caps on the number of applications that can be submitted to round 2. See the ‘What we are looking for’ section for guidance.

Who can apply

Organisation eligibility

Research grants are open to UK organisations normally eligible for funding from UKRI research councils, including:

  • UK higher education providers
  • research council institutes
  • UKRI approved independent research organisations (IROs)
  • public sector research establishments (PSREs)

For full details, visit Eligibility of your organisation. If you are unsure, please contact the Interdisciplinary Responsive Mode (IRM) team at for advice.

Organisations not eligible to apply

The following organisations are not eligible to apply to this scheme:

  • research and technology organisations unless they are listed as eligible
  • non-academic organisations, such as businesses, charities or other third-sector organisations that are not UKRI approved IROs or PSREs. These organisations can contribute as project partners. For more information see the ‘Collaborators’ section

Current co-funding arrangements via international lead agency agreements with individual research councils, do not apply to this pilot funding opportunity.

We will make minimal checks on eligibility at the outline submission stage of this scheme (lead organisation only). It is the responsibility of the UK lead research organisation to check eligibility of all collaborating organisations (UK and international) and the eligibility of individuals for their proposed roles. Applications submitted with ineligible applicants could be at risk of being rejected at the full stage.

Person eligibility and grant roles

You can apply as an individual or team, from a single organisation or across a number of organisations. For teams with multiple organisations involved, the organisation of the project lead should submit the application, and it will count towards that lead organisation’s allocation of applications that they are permitted to submit. See the ‘What we are looking for’ section for further details.

UKRI has introduced new role types for funding opportunities being run on the new UKRI Funding Service.

For full details, visit Eligibility as an individual and guidance on role eligibility, responsibilities and costings.

You may be involved in any number of applications provided you have the capacity to meet these commitments. You may be the project lead on only one application to this round of the pilot scheme.

Who is eligible to apply

The project lead is the individual responsible for the intellectual leadership of the project and its overall management. If intellectual leadership is shared, the project lead is the individual who will be the main contact for UKRI.

The project co-lead (UK based) assists the project lead in the management and leadership of the project and may deputise or take over the leadership of the project if required. There may be a number of project co-leads supporting the project lead. To be a project co-lead, you must be affiliated with one of the research organisations submitting the application.

You must meet all the following essential requirements:

  • usually have at least a postgraduate degree, although we expect most applicants to have a PhD or equivalent
  • be a researcher based in the UK and employed by an eligible research organisation. The exceptions to this are if your project will involve long periods in another country, you are located at an eligible international research organisation (for example, CERN or a Medical Research Council Overseas Unit), or you will be moving to the UK to take up an already agreed contract at an eligible organisation (the contract must not be dependent on the outcome of the application) and will remain resident in the UK for the duration of the proposed project
  • a contract of employment at lecturer level or equivalent that either extends to beyond the duration of the proposed grant (or, if not employed by the submitting organisation, a formal non-salaried arrangement that extends to beyond the duration of the proposed grant), or an assurance from the submitting organisation that, if the proposal is successful, a pre-existing contract of employment (or pre-existing formal commitment to provide support if not employed at the organisation) at lecturer level or equivalent will be extended beyond the end date of the grant

Researcher co-leads are also permitted as part of the core team if they have made a significant contribution to the design of the project and application.

Who is not eligible to apply

Doctoral students are not eligible for this scheme and funds are not available for PhD studentships.

International applicants

This funding opportunity is primarily to support interdisciplinary ideas emerging from the UK research community, but in specific circumstances we will allow international project co-leads.

A project co-lead (international) is an individual employed by a research organisation (RO) in an overseas country, who would otherwise fit the normal definition for a project co-lead. That is, they are a member of the project leadership and management team. However, a project co-lead (international) cannot take over the leadership of a project as they do not meet the residency criteria for a project lead, as outlined in the ‘Who is eligible to apply’ section.

To be a project co-lead (international):

  • you would be expected to make a significant intellectual contribution to the design and conduct of the project
  • your contribution and added value to the research collaboration should be clearly explained and justified in the application

The international RO would be expected to meet the general equivalent requirements for being eligible to receive UKRI funding taking into account the national context of the international RO. This means the international RO should meet the relevant equivalent criteria specified in the guidance applicable for:

  • registered higher education institutions (HEIs)
  • research institutes receiving long term investments through relevant national funders
  • independent research organisations with existing in-house capacity to carry out and lead research, including but not limited to approved charitable or non-governmental organisations (NGOs)

Further information on the eligibility criteria for international research organisations is provided in the CRCRM round two: guidance for applicants and research organisations documentand in the UKRI project co-lead (international) policy and guidance.

The UK research organisation which hosts the project lead will be responsible for the due diligence and confirming that the international research organisation and project co-lead meets the eligibility criteria.


Project partners

A project partner is defined as a third-party person or organisation (including international or non-academic collaborations) who provides specific contributions to the team and project.

Organisations that are applicants on the project, including any named applicants’ organisations, cannot also be a project partner. UKRI Head Office staff acting in their capacity as a UKRI employee are not eligible to be project partners.

Project partners are expected to provide contributions to the delivery of the project, either in cash or in kind, and should not therefore be seeking to claim funds from UKRI. However, where there are specific circumstances where project partners require funding for minor directly incurred costs such as travel and subsistence, this will usually be paid at 80% FEC unless otherwise stated by us. For the outline stage application, you can use a notional amount or £0 when asked for the monetary value of project partner contributions. These costs will need to be outlined and fully justified in your full application and will be subject to peer review.

Project subcontractor

A project subcontractor is defined as a third-party individual who is not employed as staff on the grant, who is subcontracted by a participating organisation to deliver a specific piece of work. Subcontractors will be allowed in line with UKRI terms and conditions for research grants.

Collaborators entitlement to project outputs and intellectual property

Under UKRI terms and conditions for research grants you must ensure at all times that the grant funding awarded to you is compliant with the Subsidy Control Act 2022. Ensure you have obtained prior agreement from collaborators that, should you be offered funding, they will support your project.

The guidance in the MRC Industry Collaboration Framework can be used as a basis for discussions with your collaborators and support the development of your collaboration and provides some additional guidance on subsidy control. The guidance will help you decide whether your collaborators are project partners, sub-contractors or suppliers. It facilitates collaborations by supporting academic and industry partners to work out and clearly specify arrangements before a project starts. You do not need to submit the MRC form with your application but will be asked to provide further details of your collaboration if invited to submit a full stage application. Project partners letters will not be required at outline stage.

Further details of how to be compliant can be found in the CRCRM round two: guidance for applicants and research organisations document.

Changes between outline and full stage applications

Project co-leads or collaborators can be changed or added between the outline and full application stage with reasonable justification, however, please note that this funding opportunity is looking for co-creation and design of the proposal from all disciplines involved, and while project co-leads can be added at the full stage, we encourage collaboration at project inception. If the project lead changes since submission of the outline stage application, please contact us, so that we can confirm eligibility to proceed with your full stage application.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

We are committed to achieving equality of opportunity for all funding applicants. We encourage applications from a diverse range of researchers.

We support people to work in a way that suits their personal circumstances. This includes:

  • career breaks
  • support for people with caring responsibilities
  • flexible working
  • alternative working patterns

Find out more about equality, diversity and inclusion at UKRI.

What we're looking for


This pilot scheme is designed to support interdisciplinary ideas emerging from the research community outside current disciplinary boundaries. We will support projects that transcend, combine or significantly span disciplines, involving different knowledge and methodological spheres. This scheme will power innovative conceptual thinking and research, and novel methodological approaches, to ensure we support a rich and diverse array of blue skies and applied research.

We know how important existing responsive mode council schemes have been in supporting research and innovation with transformative outcomes for knowledge, economy and society.

This scheme will help do the same for research that does not fit the remit of current research councils’ responsive mode schemes, helping ensure there is space for the convergence and divergence of new ideas across all fields of research.

We are piloting this scheme over two rounds of funding, allowing us to assess demand, and test and refine our processes. This is round two of the pilot scheme. Round one was well received by the research community with nearly 1,000 outline applications submitted. We will be using what we learn from the pilot scheme to consider cross research council responsive mode (CRCRM) funding opportunities as part of our future strategy and investment case for interdisciplinary research.

Scheme objectives

This funding is to support interdisciplinary research, including to:

  • unlock new research, new approaches or new methods that would not emerge from established disciplinary thinking
  • demonstrate reciprocal research benefits through the involvement of distinct disciplinary perspectives and spheres of knowledge
  • support breakthrough or disruptive ideas and collaborations
  • incentivise new and unexpected types of interdisciplinary research not routinely funded through existing UKRI responsive mode schemes
  • encourage speculative, early-stage and high potential interdisciplinary research proposals, embracing new concepts, techniques, or technologies

We are seeking:

  • high quality, and creative ideas that transcend, combine or significantly span research council remits
  • new, unexpected and novel projects that have the potential to lead to breakthrough ideas and collaborations
  • research that can only be addressed through interdisciplinary collaboration
  • projects combining disciplines to create new approaches to a research question, new methodologies or new ways of working
  • reciprocity across the disciplines, with the disciplines involved being changed or transformed by working together
  • projects that catalyse new interdisciplinary research through co-creation and design
  • ideas with no clear ‘lead’ UKRI research council for responsive mode funding, including applications that significantly span two or more research council remits

We are not seeking:

  • applications where there is a clear alternative research council responsive mode scheme (see the ‘Existing UKRI funding mechanisms for interdisciplinary research’ section) including interdisciplinary research that fits within a single research council remit
  • projects where the programme of work appears siloed and where interdisciplinary research outcomes are limited, for example where work packages are discrete and discipline specific rather than integrating disciplinary knowledge
  • projects where there is an imbalance of the intellectual content, and some disciplines appear ‘bolted’ on

For further information about the scheme, please see the scheme web page.

Interdisciplinary research

For the purposes of this scheme, we are using the following definition of interdisciplinary from the REF 2021 Interdisciplinary Advisory Panel final report (PDF, 510KB):

“Interdisciplinary research is understood to achieve outcomes (including new approaches) that could not be achieved within the framework of a single discipline. Interdisciplinary research features significant interaction between two or more disciplines and / or moves beyond established disciplinary foundations in applying or integrating research approaches from other disciplines.”

Multidisciplinary research is not within the scope of this scheme. Transdisciplinary research is not within scope on its own but interdisciplinary research could also be considered transdisciplinary if it involves non-academic stakeholders. We have defined these terms as follows:

  • multidisciplinary research is where researchers work independently within their disciplines and there is little or no integration of disciplines. Work packages are discrete and discipline specific rather than integrating disciplinary knowledge and can result in distinct outputs. Some disciplines are not included from the start and are not involved in the project framing or the research design. In cases like this there are clear asymmetries of leadership within the project due to the project objectives. In these cases, the project is considered as multidisciplinary
  • transdisciplinary research has various definitions but is often defined as research that transgresses boundaries between disciplinary knowledge or integrates different bodies of knowledge and actively co-creates knowledge between academic and societal partners such as policy makers or business

To support applicants and research organisations to understand what we are looking for and what we mean by interdisciplinary research in the context of this scheme, we have prepared this short video.

Existing UKRI funding mechanisms for interdisciplinary research

The existing research council responsive mode schemes remain open for a wide range of interdisciplinary research applications, both within council boundaries and across council boundaries through the Cross-Council Remit Agreement. See further information about these existing schemes and research councils’ remits.

You should consider carefully the degree to which your proposal meets the criteria set out for this scheme, or whether it could be accommodated through existing council-led responsive mode funding opportunities and submitted to a ‘lead council’ through the Cross-Council Remit Agreement. Interdisciplinary research applications that fall within a single research council boundary are ineligible for this scheme.

A small proportion of applications might be suitable for both this funding opportunity and existing responsive mode schemes via the Cross-Council Remit Agreement. You must determine which scheme to make your submission to. Duplicate applications are not permitted.

Number of applications to round two

The UKRI cross research council responsive mode scheme is highly competitive, with nearly 1,000 outline applications submitted in round one. An increase in submissions in round two would exceed the assessment capacity of the Interdisciplinary Assessment College. To avoid this, and ensure that applications are assessed and administrated in a timely and effective manner, we have introduced institutional caps for round two. Organisations have been given a cap and are asked to prioritise their applications to submit within this allocation limit. The maximum number of outline applications that can be submitted per submitting lead organisation, including any round one outline resubmissions, and how this has been calculated is provided in the CRCRM round two: guidance for applicants and research organisations document.

Inclusive selection process statement and supporting data

We wish to ensure organisations are employing good practices in identifying and prioritising applications to this scheme. As part of the selection process for submissions, lead organisations must provide a statement describing the inclusive process they used to identify and select the applications for submission. Lead organisations must also provide anonymised information on the number of prospective applicants by sex and gender, ethnicity, disability and broad interdisciplinary groupings (see the CRCRM round two: guidance for applicants and research organisations document for more details on how the scheme groups applications into ‘interface panels’).

The CRCRM R2: Inclusive selection process statement and diversity monitoring Excel template (XLXS, 218KB) provided in the ‘Additional information’ section for both the inclusive selection statement and anonymised diversity data must be completed and submitted to the Interdisciplinary Responsive Mode (IRM) team at by the opportunity deadline, 19 November 2024 4:00pm UK time. Research offices should consider how they will be selecting applications early and it is the lead organisation’s responsibility to ensure that applicants and research support staff have adequate time to work on their submissions.

Information provided will not be used in the assessment or outcome of this funding opportunity. Applications submitted by lead organisations that have not submitted their CRCRM R2: Inclusive selection process statement and diversity monitoring Excel template (XLXS, 218KB) will be rejected prior to panel assessment.

Further details of this requirement by lead organisations, including why we are collecting this data and what to consider in the inclusive selection statement, are provided in the CRCRM round two: guidance for applicants and research organisations document.

To support research organisations in completing the inclusive selection process statement and diversity monitoring template, we are working with the Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA) to run workshops (details to follow). Please continue to collect the data as requested, and we will confirm what needs to be submitted to UKRI after the workshops.


If your application was unsuccessful at the outline stage of round one of this scheme, you can resubmit to round two subject to the selection of your application by the lead organisation for submission within its institutional cap on the number of applications.

For this scheme the same resubmission rules apply for applications that have been previously submitted to research council responsive mode opportunities. If your application has been unsuccessful after peer review assessment at full stage, you cannot resubmit your application to this scheme.

This means, if your application was invited through to the full stage of round one but was unsuccessful after panel assessment, you will not be eligible to resubmit the same application to round two unless you have been allowed to resubmit under the invited resubmission policy. To be considered as a new submission, the application should overall represent a substantially different package of work, such as a different research idea, with different aims and objectives.


The duration of this award is up to two years.

Awards are expected to be offered by January 2026. A period of up to six months from the date of the award letter to the commencement of grant activity is permitted, as per standard UKRI terms and conditions.

Exceptions will be made where applications need to delay their start date to allow access to UKRI facilities. You can request to delay the start of the project up to 12 months from the date of the award letter. This will need to be requested at the outline stage and fully justified.

Funding available

The full economic cost (FEC) of your project can be between £200,000 and £1.2 million.

Exceptions to the £1.2 million cap will be allowed to enable use of specific UKRI facilities and should be requested at the outline stage and fully justified. See the section below on UKRI facilities access for further details.

UKRI will fund 80% of the FEC amount (with some exceptions, detailed in the CRCRM round two: guidance for applicants and research organisations document).

We will invest a total of £65 million funding across two rounds of this scheme. We anticipate making around 36 awards per round.

What we will fund

Costs for UK project leads and UK co-leads can include:

  • contributions to the salary of project lead and co-leads
  • staff costs
  • equipment
  • travel and subsistence
  • other directly incurred costs
  • estates and indirect costs

Other directly incurred costs may include:

  • consumables
  • access to facilities, services and resources
  • costs associated with research data management and sharing
  • NHS costs
  • costs associated with reasonable adjustments where they increase as a direct result of working on the project

For further details on what costs we will fund, please refer to the CRCRM round two: guidance for applicants and research organisations document.

Changes from round one

Accessing UKRI supported facilities and services

Applicants to this scheme can request access to UKRI supported facilities and services (DOCX, 35KB). Costs associated with facility access will be funded from the grant at 80% FEC. The research organisation will be responsible for the remaining 20%, that is facilities will be reimbursed at 100% FEC by the host organisation. For details on the rules that apply when requesting access to a UKRI facility, please refer to the CRCRM round two: guidance for applicants and research organisations document.

For round two, you may request by exception a delay to the grant start date to allow access to a UKRI supported facility of up to 12 months from the date of the award letter. This will need to be requested at the outline stage and fully justified. Requests should be made by emailing by the opportunity deadline of 19 November 2024 4:00pm UK time. You should therefore discuss your request with the facilities before the outline stage deadline to get an understanding of the facility access timelines and the estimated delay to the start date.

We held a webinar on 4 July 2024 to inform the research community about the UKRI supported facilities available for this scheme, and to support applicants in understanding how to access them.

Watch the webinar recording on YouTube.

View the webinar slides.

EPSRC facilities

Please refer to the UKRI-supported facilities webinar recording and associated slides for information on which EPSRC-supported facilities are eligible for this opportunity (slides 46-51).

Exceptions for access to NERC large research infrastructure facilities

We recognise that having to include the high cost of some NERC large research infrastructure facilities within the £1.2 million (100% FEC) grant maximum may inhibit applications, as these facilities are normally available to environmental sciences through separate NERC budgets. For the following NERC facilities, we will allow you to exceed the maximum budget limit by up to £250,000 (100% FEC):

  • ship-time and marine facilities
  • polar research facilities
  • facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements (FAAM)

If your proposed research requires access to these facilities, you will need to contact the facility to discuss the feasibility of your project and obtain approximate costings in advance of the outline stage application submission. Please use the guidance below for who to contact.

Requests to exceed the maximum budget should be made by emailing by the opportunity deadline of 19 November 2024 4:00pm UK time. You will need to provide an estimate of any additional costs that exceed the £1.2 million budget limit or any potential delay to the start date to access these facilities and justify this. Final costings and approvals can be determined at the full stage if invited to submit.

Ship-time and marine facilities

If you intend to apply for NERC’s marine facilities, you must contact to discuss ship-time and equipment needs before the outline stage submission, including the feasibility of scheduling and approximate cost of your proposed request.

If advised to, you must then complete an online ‘SME or autonomous deployment (ADF) application form’ available from Marine Facilities Planning. SMEs or ADFs must be submitted to NERC Marine Planning by the time your outline stage application is submitted (19 November 2024). If approved and your application is invited to submit to the full stage, include the SME or ADF number on the ‘facilities’ section of your application.

Polar research facilities

British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Antarctic Logistic Support

If you are looking to make use of British Antarctic Survey Antarctic or sub-Antarctic logistics support then you should contact the Antarctic Access Office ( at an early stage, and no later than 25 October 2024 to discuss your fieldwork plans. This is to allow BAS Operations to provide an early indication as to timelines for support and to advise on any significant costs wish may need to be accounted for. If advised to, you must then complete a pre-award operational support planning questionnaire (OSPQ) online, stating your name, institution and project title, by the time of your outline stage application is submitted (19 November 2024).

You should also be aware of the NERC update on polar research planning.

NERC Arctic Research Station

If you are requesting access to the NERC UK Arctic Research Station you must contact the Station Manager ( as early as possible and no later than eight weeks before the outline stage submission deadline (19 November 2024) to discuss the support required and approximate costs. You will then need to complete a NERC Arctic Research Station application form and return it to the Station Manager for review before the outline stage submission deadline to ensure your project can be supported. You can find out more about what the Station can offer on the NERC UK Arctic Research Station website or contact

Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements (FAAM)

To apply to use the FAAM Airborne Laboratory (see NERC Research Grants – FAAM), you will need to start the process by contacting the FAAM Operations Manager ( at least six months before the funding opportunity closing date, and at least 18 months before the proposed start of flying. Early contact allows the FAAM team to share information on timetabling, technical details and costs. You will need to take the availability of FAAM into account in your research plans within your application, including any requests to exceed the maximum budget limit as part of the outline stage.

After initial discussions, you should submit a full FAAM Project Proposal Form. Your proposal will allow the FAAM team to further evaluate and document the project feasibility and costs, in a process which takes at least four weeks. The resulting FAAM Technical Assessment (and cost estimate), signed by the Head of FAAM, should be used to complete your full stage application.

Equipment costs

Individual items of equipment above £10,000 (inclusive of VAT) can be included if both of the following apply:

  • the equipment is essential to the proposed research
  • no appropriate alternative provision can be accessed

UKRI will fund up to 80% of the cost of equipment.

This is an opportunity for research projects; applications focused on capital requests for research infrastructures are not eligible.

For more information about equipment costs please refer to the CRCRM round two: guidance for applicants and research organisations document.

Costs for international project co-leads

For international project co-lead costs, UKRI will award funding to the UK lead organisation, this organisation will then be responsible for distributing funds to the international research organisation. Justified costs will be funded at 100% and should be included under exceptions. Estate and indirect costs are not eligible. The total costs claimed for international project co-lead contribution to a project must not exceed 30% of the overall cost of the project, calculated at 100% full economic cost.

These costs can cover:

  • directly incurred costs, such as travel and subsistence
  • research assistants (for example salary costs)
  • salary costs, only where these costs are fully justified and it can be demonstrated that the funding of salaries by grants is the standard practice of the international research organisation, and these costs cannot be covered through other sources

What we will not fund

We will not fund:

  • fees or stipends associated with masters and PhD studentships
  • estate and indirect costs for international project co-leads
  • equipment over £10,000 (inclusive of VAT) for international project co-leads
  • publication costs. See the UKRI open access policy for further information
  • basic computing equipment for directly allocated staff already employed by the organisation, unless justified where a higher specification is required for the completion of specific grant related activities such as data modelling or enhanced graphics
  • contingency costs for visas for unknown researchers at the point of application

Data management

If you are invited to submit a full stage application, you will be expected to demonstrate how you will manage and share data collected or acquired through the proposed research.

We expect you to make your research data openly available with as few restrictions as possible in a timely and responsible manner. You should refer to “Expectations for cross council and UKRI funding schemes” at Making Your Research Data Open. This explains UKRI’s expectations and includes guidance about research data sharing and management costs you may need to include in your full stage application.

We support costs associated with research data management and sharing. You should ensure costs for these activities are included in your full stage application.

Some additional information on research data costs is provided in the guidance on best practice in the management of research data.

Supporting skills and talent

We encourage you to follow the principles of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers and the Technician Commitment.

Trusted Research and Innovation (TR&I)

UKRI is committed in ensuring that effective international collaboration in research and innovation takes place with integrity and within strong ethical frameworks. Trusted Research and Innovation (TR&I) is a UKRI work programme designed to help protect all those working in our thriving and collaborative international sector by enabling partnerships to be as open as possible, and as secure as necessary. Our TR&I Principles set out UKRI’s expectations of organisations funded by UKRI in relation to due diligence for international collaboration.

As such, applicants for UKRI funding may be asked to demonstrate how their proposed projects will comply with our approach and expectation towards TR&I, identifying potential risks and the relevant controls you will put in place to help proportionately reduce these risks.

Further guidance and information about TR&I, including where you can find additional support.

Conditions of awarded grants

If successful in securing an award from the CRCRM scheme, the UKRI terms and conditions for research grants apply. Scheme specific terms and conditions will also apply, which will be included in the offer letter for successful applicants. This includes engagement with UKRI on the evaluation of the pilot scheme, including any third-party provider commissioned by UKRI for this activity. Successful applicants will also be requested to attend three UKRI scheme events during the duration of the grant. Three places will be offered to each awarded project for each event. Costs associated with attendance at these events should be met from within the grant award. You should therefore factor in any associated travel, subsistence, and childcare costs into your application.

Further information on the conditions of awarded grants can be found in the CRCRM round two: guidance for applicants and research organisations document.

How to apply


The launch of the second round was supported by two webinars for prospective applicants and professional research support staff that presented an overview of the scheme and this funding opportunity, followed by a question-and-answer session.

Watch the opportunity webinar recording

View the webinar slides and a Q&A document answering questions from both webinars.

Watch this video for tips for writing a successful proposal.

Application stages

The second round of the pilot scheme comprises the following two stages:

  • submission of an outline application
  • invited submission of a full application

Full applications will not be accepted from any applicant who has not been invited to make a full application following the outline stage of this funding opportunity.

UKRI Funding Service

We are running this funding opportunity on the new Funding Service so please ensure that your organisation is registered. You cannot apply on the Joint Electronic Submissions (Je-S) system.

The project lead is responsible for completing the application process on the Funding Service, but we expect all team members and project partners to contribute to the application.

Only the lead research organisation can submit an application to UKRI.

To apply

Select ‘Start application’ near the beginning of this Funding finder page.

  1. Confirm you are the project lead.
  2. Sign in or create a Funding Service account. To create an account, select your organisation, verify your email address, and set a password. If your organisation is not listed, email
    Please allow at least 10 working days for your organisation to be added to the Funding Service. We strongly suggest that if you are asking UKRI to add your organisation to the Funding Service to enable you to apply to this funding opportunity, you also create an organisation Administration Account. This will be needed to allow the acceptance and management of any grant that might be offered to you.
  3. Answer questions directly in the text boxes. You can save your answers and come back to complete them or work offline and return to copy and paste your answers. If we need you to upload a document, follow the upload instructions in the Funding Service. All questions and assessment criteria are listed in the How to apply section on this Funding finder page.
  4. Allow enough time to check your application in ‘read-only’ view before sending to your research office.
  5. Send the completed application to your research office for checking. They will return it to you if it needs editing.
  6. Your research office will submit the completed and checked application to UKRI.

Where indicated, you can also demonstrate elements of your responses in visual form if relevant.  You should:

  • use images sparingly and only to convey important information that cannot easily be put into words
  • insert each new image onto a new line
  • provide a descriptive legend for each image immediately underneath it (this counts towards your word limit)
  • ensure files are smaller than 5MB and in JPEG, JPG, JPE, JFI, JIF, JFIF, PNG, GIF, BMP or WEBP format

Watch our research office webinars about the Funding Service.

For more guidance on the Funding Service, see:


Applications should be self-contained, and hyperlinks should only be used to provide links directly to reference information. To ensure the information’s integrity is maintained, where possible, persistent identifiers such as digital object identifiers should be used. Assessors are not required to access links to carry out assessment or recommend a funding decision. Applicants should use their discretion when including references and prioritise those most pertinent to the application.

References should be included in the appropriate question section of the application and be easily identifiable by the assessors for example (Smith, Research Paper, 2019).

You must not include links to web resources to extend your application.


UKRI must receive your outline application by 19 November 2024 at 4:00pm UK time.

You will not be able to apply after this time.

Make sure you are aware of and follow any internal institutional deadlines. Your research office is also required to submit the inclusive selection statement and completed diversity monitoring form on behalf of your organisation by email ( by 19 November 2024.

Following the submission of your application to the funding opportunity, your application cannot be changed, even before the deadline has passed, and applications will not be returned for amendment. Please note if you need to amend your submitted application before the deadline you will need to resubmit a new application and withdraw the old one.

UKRI will exceptionally consider requests for late submissions.

If your application does not follow the guidance, it may be rejected.

Personal data

Processing personal data

UKRI will need to collect some personal information to manage your Funding Service account and the registration of your funding applications.

We will handle personal data in line with UK data protection legislation and manage it securely. For more information, including how to exercise your rights, read our privacy notice.

UKRI may need to share the application and any personal information that it contains with third parties contracted by UKRI to undertake evaluation and analysis of the scheme. For more information on how personal information may be used see How we handle grant applicant and grant holder data.

Management of data submitted by research organisations on the diversity monitoring form

The information submitted on the diversity monitoring forms by the research organisations will not be shared or used by any party outside of the UKRI Interdisciplinary Responsive Mode (IRM) team who are responsible for the management of this funding opportunity.

The information will not be connected to, or used to identify, any individuals on applications, or used as part of the assessment process. We are collecting this data to understand the overall level of interest in this funding opportunity and to understand the research organisation’s triaging processes for those applications that are submitted and the demographics across the selection stages. Data will be amalgamated across all research organisation submissions.

We will share statistics with the internal UKRI IRM Project Board for the scheme to understand the breadth of interest across research organisations, remit areas and the different demographics of applicants.

Publication of outcomes

UKRI will publish the outcomes of two rounds of the CRCRM pilot on the CRCRM scheme web pages.

If your application is successful, we will publish some personal information on the UKRI Gateway to Research.


Word limit: 550

In plain English, provide a summary we can use to identify the most suitable experts to assess your application.

We usually make this summary publicly available on external-facing websites, therefore do not include any confidential or sensitive information. Make it suitable for a variety of readers, for example:

  • opinion-formers
  • policymakers
  • the public
  • the wider research community

Guidance for writing a summary

Clearly describe your proposed work in terms of:

  • context
  • the challenge the project addresses
  • aims and objectives
  • potential applications and benefits

Core team

List the key members of your team and assign them roles from the following:

  • project lead (PL)
  • project co-lead (UK) (PcL)
  • project co-lead (international) (PcL (I))
  • researcher co-lead (RcL)
  • specialist
  • grant manager
  • professional enabling staff
  • research and innovation associate
  • technician
  • visiting researcher

Only list one individual as project lead.

Find out more about UKRI’s core team roles in funding applications.

Application questions

Classification of your proposed research

Word limit: 100

Which areas of research does your proposed work include?

These may include research areas, concepts, approaches, techniques, or technologies that will be explored.

To help UKRI identify panel members to assess your application, please enter a minimum of two and no more than 10 keywords from the list (PDF, 261KB) provided, separated by semi-colons.

Please ensure that you use the precise codes and wording of the research areas as provided in the list (we suggest you use the copy and paste functions).

You are permitted one free text keyword or phrase, reserved only for where your proposed research is not represented by the research areas provided. Please use the code FREE as a pre-fix if you include a free text keyword. Please put this keyword or phrase at the end of your list.

Application history

Word limit: 30

Did you submit a version of this application to the outline stage of round one of this scheme: UKRI cross research council responsive mode pilot scheme: round one?

Please respond “Yes” or “No”.

If your response is “Yes”, please provide the Je-S grant reference(s) of your round one outline stage application, in the following format: MR/YXXXXXX/X

As project lead for this application, please indicate what your role was on the previous application.

Fit to opportunity

Word limit: 250

Describe the interdisciplinary nature of your proposed research

What the assessors are looking for in your response

You should explain:

  • how your research could only be achieved through interdisciplinary research, compared to a multidisciplinary approach
  • how the different disciplines will be integrated in the research application
  • demonstrate the potential for reciprocal research benefits for the disciplines involved
  • how you have co-created or co-designed the project with input from all the disciplines needed for successful delivery of the project

Within the Fit to opportunity section we also expect you to:

  • clearly demonstrate that the research involves disciplines from more than one research council and explores new types of, and approaches to, interdisciplinary research not routinely funded through existing UKRI responsive mode schemes. Work that is within a single discipline or disciplines that fall within a single research council are ineligible for this scheme
Guidance for the Fit to opportunity section

You should refer to the ‘What we are looking for’ section of this funding opportunity for guidance on the scope, the scheme’s objectives and how we define interdisciplinary research.

Outline Vision and Approach

Create a document that includes your responses to all criteria. The document should not be more than two sides of A4, single spaced in paper in 11-point Arial (or equivalent sans serif font) with margins of at least 2cm. You may include images, graphs, tables.

For the file name, use the unique Funding Service number the system gives you when you create an application, followed by the words ‘Outline Vision and Approach’.

Save this document as a single PDF file, no bigger than 8MB. Unless specifically requested, please do not include any sensitive personal data within the attachment.

If the attachment does not meet these requirements, the application will be rejected.

The Funding Service will provide document upload details when you apply.

What are you hoping to achieve with and how will you deliver your proposed work?

What the assessors are looking for in your response

For the Outline Vision, explain how your proposed work:

  • is of excellent quality and importance beyond the field(s) or area(s)
  • has the potential to advance current understanding, generates new knowledge, thinking or discovery beyond the field or area
  • is timely given current trends, context and needs
  • impacts world-leading research, society, the economy, or the environment

Within the Outline Vision section, we also expect you to:

  • explain how your proposed work is of excellent quality and importance beyond established disciplinary thinking.
  • demonstrate how the interdisciplinary approach will advance current understanding and generate new knowledge, thinking, concepts, techniques, methods or technologies or discoveries
  • demonstrate that the proposed work has the potential for delivering ground-breaking and transformative outcomes that could only be achieved through interdisciplinary research
Guidance for the Outline Vision section

This section should be up to half a page in length. Impact can be defined as the long-term intended or unintended effect research and innovation has on society, economy and the environment; to individuals, organisations, and the wider global population. ESRC have developed a toolkit that defines different types of impact, including academic impact, that may support you in considering the impact of your proposed research.

What the assessors are looking for in your response

For the Outline Approach, explain how you have designed your work so that it:

  • is effective and appropriate to achieve your objectives

Within the Outline Approach section, we also expect you to:

  • clearly articulate how you will address the challenges that the integration of the disciplines could face
  • clearly articulate the methods you will be using, particularly where new methods are being developed or where existing methodologies are being integrated.
Guidance for the Outline Approach section

This section should be up to one and a half pages in length. The high-level objectives for the proposed research must be included in this section with an explanation of how these will be approached. The level of detail required at the outline stage should be sufficient for the assessors to understand your project’s goals, gauge their broad feasibility, and judge their potential outcomes, as well as contributions of the team and their available resources to achieving them.

You may indicate background information, technical detail or relevant preliminary work to help support your objectives, but extensive explanation of these is not expected at the outline stage. It is expected that the high-level objectives will appear largely unchanged if you are invited to the full stage.

References may be included within this section.

Outline Applicant and team capability to deliver

Word limit: 250

How will the application team deliver the proposed research programme?

What the assessors are looking for in your response

Evidence of how you, and if relevant your team, have:

  • relevant experience and skills to develop and deliver the proposed research programme

Within this section we also expect you to:

  • consider if the team represents the right set of skills and mix of perspectives to approach the proposed work

The core leadership team should consist of the project lead and the project co-leads identified on the outline application. We expect the full team of project leads and co-project leads to be established as part of the outline application and involved in the co-creation of the project. There may be exceptional circumstances where team members may need to change between outline and full stage, for example, a change in circumstances for a team member meaning they are no longer able to be part of the project. Further guidance will be given for full stage applications on addressing these changes. Showcase the range of relevant skills you and, if relevant, your team (project and project co-leads, researchers, technicians, specialists, partners and so on) have and how this will help deliver the proposed work.

UKRI has introduced new role types for funding opportunities being run on the Funding Service.

For full details, see Eligibility as an individual.

Guidance for the Outline Applicant and team capability to deliver section

In this section you should focus on describing the relevant skills of the team to deliver the work, including experience of the methods, approaches or technologies you are using. It does not require information on publication record, positions held or any other elements of a track record.

A strength of an interdisciplinary approach is that research challenges are tackled through a diversity of perspectives. We encourage you to consider all aspects of equality, diversity and inclusion in developing your research ideas and teams to ensure that the outcomes of research funded through this scheme can be maximised and are as broadly applicable as possible.

Project partners

Add details about any project partners’ contributions. If there are no project partners, you can indicate this on the Funding Service.

A project partner is a collaborating organisation who will have an integral role in the proposed research. This may include direct (cash) or indirect (in-kind) contributions such as expertise, staff time or use of facilities.

Add the following project partner details:

  • the organisation name and address (searchable via a drop-down list or enter the organisation’s details manually, as applicable)
  • the project partner contact name and email address
  • the type of contribution (direct or in-direct) and its monetary value

If a detail is entered incorrectly and you have saved the entry, remove the specific project partner record and re-add it with the correct information.

For audit purposes, UKRI requires formal collaboration agreements to be put in place if an award is made.

How we will assess your application

Assessment process

Interdisciplinary Assessment College (IAC)

Applications will be assessed by the Interdisciplinary Assessment College.

The IAC members have expertise and experience in interdisciplinary working and are trained specifically for this funding opportunity. Further details about the IAC are available on the CRCRM scheme web pages.

Interdisciplinary panels

Applications will be grouped into interdisciplinary panels that will work flexibly between rounds. Members of the IAC will be assigned to one panel for each round based on matching their expertise with the applications submitted.

Further guidance on the interdisciplinary panels can be found in the CRCRM round two: guidance for applicants and research organisations document.

Assessment process

Full details of the assessment processes for both stages of the opportunity are provided in the CRCRM round two: guidance for applicants and research organisations document.

In summary, for the outline stage we will assess your application using the following process.

UKRI checks

Initial remit checks will be carried out by UKRI staff from across the research councils to ensure that the proposed research meets the requirement of spanning at least two research council remits. UKRI will reject applications at this stage if they do not meet this objective of the scheme.

Minimal eligibility checks will only be done at the outline stage (lead organisation only). Full eligibility checks will be done for full applications. You should ensure that you adhere to the eligibility rules. Applications submitted with ineligible applicants could be at risk of being rejected at the full stage.


Your application will be assigned to an interdisciplinary panel based on the areas of research that you are proposing. Your application will be assigned to three college members with appropriate and relevant expertise and experience in the interdisciplinary research proposed. Your application may also be assessed by a generalist representative of the panel your application is assigned to. Please ensure that your application is accessible to non-technical experts that might not have in depth knowledge of your specific areas of research.

College members will use the evidence provided to assess the quality of your application and score it against the assessment criteria given below.

Shortlisting at the outline stage

We will review the comments and scores for each application. Shortlisted applications will go to a panel who will make recommendations on which applications should be prioritised to be invited through to full stage.

The UKRI Interdisciplinary Responsive Mode (IRM) Project Board may use this stage to balance the portfolio and diversity of applications taken through to the full stage.


We aim to complete the outline stage assessment process by the end of March 2025, and you will be notified by 4 April 2025 if you have been invited through to the full stage. Full stage applications will need to be submitted by 3 July 2025 at 4:00 pm UK time.


The outcomes from the outline stage will include the banding and banding descriptions. We will not be providing individualised feedback at this stage due the volume of applications expected. We will collate generalised feedback from the panels to share with applicants.

Principles of assessment

We support the San Francisco declaration on research assessment and recognise the relationship between research assessment and research integrity.

Find out about the UKRI principles of assessment and decision making.

Assessment areas

The assessment areas we will use are:

  • Fit to opportunity
  • Outline Vision and Approach
  • Outline Applicant and team capability to deliver

Find details of assessment questions and criteria under the ‘Application questions’ heading in the ‘How to apply’ section.

We reserve the right to modify the assessment process as needed.

Details of the full stage application questions and criteria will be published when the full stage opens on 4 April 2025, but will be similar to the full stage of round one.

Contact details

Get help with your application

Get in touch if you have a question and the answers aren’t provided on this page.

Important note: The Helpdesk is committed to helping users of the UKRI Funding Service as effectively and as quickly as possible. In order to manage cases at peak volume times, the Helpdesk will triage and prioritise those queries with an imminent opportunity deadline or a technical issue. Enquiries raised where information is available on the Funding Finder opportunity page and should be understood early in the application process (for example, regarding eligibility or content/remit of an opportunity) will not constitute a priority case and will be addressed as soon as possible.

Contact details

For help and advice on costings and writing your proposal please contact your research office in the first instance, allowing sufficient time for your organisation’s submission process.

For questions related to this specific funding opportunity please contact

Any queries regarding the system or the submission of applications through the Funding Service should be directed to the helpdesk.


Phone: 01793 547490

Our phone lines are open:

  • Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5:00pm
  • Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm

To help us process queries quicker, we request that users highlight the council and opportunity name in the subject title of their email query, include the application reference number, and refrain from contacting more than one mailbox at a time.

For further information on submitting an application read How applicants use the Funding Service.

Sensitive information

If you or a core team member need to tell us something you wish to remain confidential, email

Include in the subject line: Cross research council responsive mode; sensitive information; your Funding Service application number.

Typical examples of confidential information include:

  • individual is unavailable until a certain date (for example due to parental leave)
  • declaration of interest
  • additional information about eligibility to apply that would not be appropriately shared in the ‘Applicant and team capability’ section
  • conflict of interest for UKRI to consider in reviewer or panel participant selection
  • the application is an invited resubmission

For information about how UKRI handles personal data, read UKRI’s privacy notice.

Additional info


Find out more about the Cross research council responsive mode (CRCRM) scheme and the Interdisciplinary Assessment College.

Research and innovation impact

Impact can be defined as the long-term intended or unintended effect research and innovation has on society, economy and the environment; to individuals, organisations, and the wider global population.

Additional disability and accessibility adjustments

UKRI can offer disability and accessibility support for UKRI applicants and grant holders during the application and assessment process if required.


Access to UKRI supported facilities and services webinar

We held a webinar dedicated to informing prospective applicants across the UKRI research community on UKRI-supported facilities and services on offer across the research councils.

Watch the webinar recording on YouTube.

View the webinar slides.

We will held two identical webinars on 5 September 2024 and 11 September 2024 for prospective applicants.

Watch the webinar

See webinar Q&A

Research disruption due to COVID-19

We recognise that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused major interruptions and disruptions across our communities. We are committed to ensuring that individual applicants and their wider team, including partners and networks, are not penalised for any disruption to their career, such as:

  • breaks and delays
  • disruptive working patterns and conditions
  • the loss of ongoing work
  • role changes that may have been caused by the pandemic

Reviewers and panel members will be advised to consider the unequal impacts that COVID-19 related disruption might have had on the capability to deliver and career development of those individuals included in the application. They will be asked to consider the capability of the applicant and their wider team to deliver the research they are proposing.

Where disruptions have occurred, you can highlight this within your application if you wish, but there is no requirement to detail the specific circumstances that caused the disruption.

Supporting documents

CRCRM round two: guidance for applicants and research organisations

CRCRM R2: Inclusive selection process statement and diversity monitoring Excel template (XLSX, 218KB)

List of coded keywords (PDF, 261KB)

Generalised feedback on CRCRM outline stage applications, round one (PDF, 146KB)

Generalised feedback on CRCRM full stage applications, round one (PDF, 96.2KB)


  • 10 October 2024
    Added 'Full stage application technical webinars' dates
  • 10 October 2024
    Removed upcoming webinar information as the dates have passed
  • 10 October 2024
    Updated CRCRM round two: guidance for applicants and research organisations document

This is the website for UKRI: our seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help improve our online products and services.