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Results list
Evaluation of the multi-funder Insect Pollinators Initiative (2018)
BBSRC's evaluation of the Insect Pollinators Initiative, including: research outcomes; economic and societal impacts; management and administration of the initiative.
Socio-economic impact of EPSRC’s investment in research equipment (2018)
An exploration of the impact of research equipment that EPSRC has funded over the last 10 years, resulting from both the investment in equipment and its use.
The returns to UK publicly funded musculoskeletal disease research (2018)
Research estimating the returns to UK publicly funded musculoskeletal disease research in terms of net value of improved health outcomes
The era of mathematics (2018)
An independent review of knowledge exchange in the mathematical sciences.
Review: Evaluation of the Small Business Research Initiative (2017)
An evaluation of the UK’s Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) programme, commissioned by Innovate UK, which has developed and manages the SBRI.
The value of UK medical research to EU science and health (2017)
This report identifies how UK research contributes to medical progress, highlighting the benefit for EU science, and how this has improved the health of EU patients
Sci-Tech Daresbury Campus impact study (2017)
Impact study of the Daresbury Campus by SQW, capturing the economic and wider impacts from 2014 to 2015 including the identification of £70 million net GVA impact.
The Biomedical Catalyst: an evaluation report (2017)
This report contains the findings of an independent review and impact assessment of the Biomedical Catalyst programme.
Analysis of publications arising from research funded by ESPRC (2017)
An insight into the output and impact of publications in core subject areas, in the period between 2010 to 2015, arising from research funded by EPSRC.
ISIS lifetime impact study (2016)
Research, innovation, skills and economic impacts of the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source facility at the Harwell Campus from commission to 2014, presented by Technopolis.