Browse our evaluation reports
Results list
Evaluating BBSRC investments in antimicrobial resistance research (2022)
This report summarises the conclusions of an expert review panel that was established to conduct an evaluation of BBSRC’s investments in AMR research.
Review of the UK’s interdisciplinary research 2015 (2022)
UK higher education funding bodies, the Medical Research Council and Elsevier conducted a quantitative review of interdisciplinary research
ISCF: fund-level evaluation baseline report (2022)
These reports contain findings from the baseline evaluation of the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF).
Evaluation of the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF) (2022)
This report sets out the evaluation framework for the fund-level evaluation of the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF).
Strength in Places Fund evaluation baseline report (2022)
This report contains findings from the baseline evaluation of the Strength in Places Fund (SIPF).
Evaluation of Understanding Society (2022)
Independent evaluation to explore what stakeholders think of Understanding Society and how they have used it.
ICURe: evaluation of pilot programme (2022)
A review by Ipsos MORI that includes an overview of the programme, its effect on participants and the UK economy.
FIC: Baseline and interim process evaluation (2022)
Fund-level baseline and interim process evaluation for the Fund for International Collaboration (FIC), including main findings and a supporting more detailed technical report.
Strategic Priorities Fund: baseline and interim process evaluation (2022)
Fund-level baseline and interim process evaluation for the Strategic Priorities Fund (SPF), including main findings and a supporting more detailed technical report.
ESRC-FCDO Raising Learning Outcomes programme evaluation report (2022)
Raising Learning Outcomes in Education Systems (RLO) programme evaluation report, commissioned by ESRC-FCDO to present an independent appraisal of the programme.