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Results list
The Biomedical Catalyst: an evaluation report (2017)
This report contains the findings of an independent review and impact assessment of the Biomedical Catalyst programme.
Analysis of publications arising from research funded by ESPRC (2017)
An insight into the output and impact of publications in core subject areas, in the period between 2010 to 2015, arising from research funded by EPSRC.
ISIS lifetime impact study (2016)
Research, innovation, skills and economic impacts of the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source facility at the Harwell Campus from commission to 2014, presented by Technopolis.
NERC impact report: cleaner seas (2016)
An outline of how NERC-funded science is helping to reduce marine pollution from anti-fouling agents.
Evaluating impact of the Joint Fund for Poverty Alleviation Research (2016)
Independent evaluation of the impact of the ESRC-DFID Joint Fund for Poverty Alleviation Research.
Impacts of NERC science: ozone hole (2015)
This independent report focuses on the impacts of selected NERC-funded research on the ozone hole.
Impacts of NERC science: environmental hazards (2015)
This independent report focuses on the impacts of selected NERC-funded research on environmental hazards in the UK.
Impacts of NERC science: energy and resources (2015)
This independent report focuses on the impacts of selected NERC-funded research on energy and resources in the UK.
Impacts of NERC science: air pollution (2015)
This independent report focuses on the impacts of selected NERC-funded research on air pollution in the UK.
Impacts of NERC science: water security (2015)
This independent report focuses on the impacts of selected NERC-funded research on water security in the UK.