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Results list
Productivity Institute Programme: early impact and process evaluation (2024)
This report is the third phase of the evaluation of the ESRC Productivity Institute Programme, commissioned from RAND Europe and Frontier Economics.
Evaluation of the Creative Industries Clusters Programme (2024)
A final impact evaluation report for the UK Research and Innovation Challenge Fund Creative Industries Clusters Programme.
Festival of Social Science: festival report 2023 (2024)
This report contains key statistics and feedback from the 2023 Festival of Social Science.
Review of the international co-investigator policy (2024)
This report reviews the use of the international co-investigator policy across AHRC, ESRC and MRC, and its impacts for UK and global research.
GCRF Agile Response to COVID-19 Programme (2024)
Key findings, early outcomes and results of the GCRF programme to fund international projects which addressed impacts of COVID-19 .
Rapid evidence review of counterfactual methodologies to evaluate research and innovation programmes (2024)
This report presents the findings of a commissioned evidence review on the use of counterfactual methodologies in evaluating research and innovation programmes.
Transforming food production final evaluation report (2024)
This final evaluation assessed if the Transforming Food Production Challenge achieved its intended outcomes and impacts and met its vision and objectives.
UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships process evaluation report (2024)
UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Future Leaders Fellowships process evaluation report prepared for UKRI by RAND Europe.
Faraday Battery Challenge phase one evaluation report (2024)
Evaluation report for phase one of the Faraday Battery Challenge.
Evaluation of the Professional Internships for PhD Students (PIPS) programme (2024)
An independent evaluation of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council's (BBSRC) Professional Internships for PhD Students (PIPS) programme.