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EPSRC research outcomes report 2022 (2023)
A report covering the research outcome records submitted to EPSRC since 2017.
Evaluation reports: Driving the Electric Revolution Challenge (2023)
Interim evaluation report assessing the Driving the Electric Revolution Challenge’s contribution to the UK’s power electronics, machines and drives sector.
Productivity Institute Programme: evaluation framework and baseline report (2023)
ESRC commissioned RAND Europe to evaluate the Productivity Institute Programme. This report sets out phase one, the evaluation framework and baseline.
Next generation services evaluation (2023)
External evaluation report undertaken by Technopolis Group on the next generation services challenge.
Productivity Institute Programme: formative and process evaluation (2023)
This report is the second phase of the evaluation of the ESRC Productivity Institute Programme, commissioned from RAND Europe and Frontier Economics.
Smart sustainable plastic packaging process evaluation report (2023)
An independent assessment of key processes, mechanisms and approaches implemented, answering questions on design, implementation, monitoring and value creation.
Smart sustainable plastic packaging: evaluation progress report (2023)
An independent assessment of progress to deliver the challenge’s benefits and objectives drawing on evidence including primary and secondary research, and analysis.
Roslin Innovation Centre report (2023)
Outcomes, benefits and impacts from the BBSRC, The University of Edinburgh and Scottish Government’s £30 million investment in the Charnock Bradley Building and the Roslin Innovation Centre.
British Geological Survey 2016 to 2021 evaluation report (2022)
This report presents the findings of the first five-year (2016 to 2021) evaluation of the British Geological Survey (BGS).
Impact of EPSRC’s Manufacturing the Future programme 2005 to 2020 (2022)
A report commissioned by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to carry out an assessment of the impact of its Manufacturing the Future (MtF) programme.